Supreme Court ruling on removing candidates from the ballot

Fox News anchor Shannon Bream reports on the Supreme Court ruling that states cannot remove candidates from the ballot. Far-left media personality Keith Olbermann calls for the Supreme Court to be dissolved following the ruling in favor of former President Trump.

Supreme Court ruling on candidate eligibility

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that states cannot strip candidates like Donald Trump from the ballot, rejecting a Colorado court's attempt. Legal analysts cheered the move, but the ruling came just before Colorado's polls. Trump praised the decision as a step towards national unity and criticized prosecutors and judges. The ruling was seen as a win for Trump and voters' rights.

Supreme Court ruling on disqualifying candidates under the 14th Amendment

The Supreme Court ruled that states cannot disqualify federal candidates under the 14th Amendment. Democrats are considering legislation to force former President Trump off the 2024 ballot, but legal experts and some Justices have criticized the Court's decision.

Supreme Court ruling on Donald Trump's eligibility for 2024 presidential primary ballot

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that former President Donald Trump can remain on the 2024 presidential primary ballot in Colorado, overturning a Colorado Supreme Court decision that stated Trump engaged in insurrection. Challenges to remove Trump from primary ballots in 36 states have been based on the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment, but the Supreme Court emphasized that Congress, not states, is responsible for enforcing this clause.

Supreme Court ruling on disqualifying Donald Trump from the ballot

Representative Jamie Raskin criticizes the Supreme Court for punting on the issue of disqualifying former President Donald Trump from the ballot under Section Three of the 14th Amendment, stating that it is now up to Congress to act.

U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Trump's ballot ban case

The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously sided with former President Trump in his challenge to the state of Colorado's attempt to kick him off the 2024 primary ballot. Trump is declared eligible to be on Colorado's 2024 Presidential Primary ballot.

U.S. Supreme Court Rulings on Trump's Eligibility and Immunity

The U.S. Supreme Court plans to issue a ruling on the eligibility of Donald Trump to be on the Colorado ballot for the presidential primary election. Trump is seeking immunity from prosecution for his actions related to the Jan. 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol attack.

Donald Trump's Eligibility for Presidential Race

A judge ruled that Donald Trump should be removed from the primary ballot in Illinois as the Supreme Court debates his eligibility following the Capitol attack. Trump faces disqualification based on the 14th Amendment. The Supreme Court is set to decide soon. Trump claims immunity from election charges. He continues to win GOP votes despite legal battles.