Mysterious Metallic Monoliths

Metallic monoliths have been mysteriously appearing in various locations around the world, sparking speculation about their origins and purpose. The most recent monolith was found near Las Vegas and has since been removed due to safety and environmental concerns.

Donald Trump's beliefs about aliens discussed in a podcast interview with Logan Paul

Former President Trump discussed his beliefs about aliens in a podcast interview with Logan Paul, mentioning encounters with elite pilots who saw strange objects in the sky, but stated he is not a believer in aliens.

Speculation on the Existence of Advanced Civilizations Living Among Humans on Earth

Researchers speculate that an unidentified, technologically advanced population could be living among humans secretly on Earth. The research suggests the existence of non-human underground civilizations and ancient, highly advanced human civilizations walking among us.

Vatican press conference on aliens and supernatural phenomena

The Vatican is set to hold a press conference on 'supernatural phenomena' tomorrow, focusing on aliens and how to deal with potential encounters. This event is significant as it has not been done since February 1978.

Possible UFO Crash in Las Vegas

Las Vegas police respond to a 911 call about possible aliens after a UFO crash in a family's backyard. A crime scene expert analyzes the video and confirms the existence of two alien-like creatures.