Betsy Ross: The Real Story of America's First Flagmaker

Betsy Ross, the famous flagmaker, has a more complex and intriguing story than the popular legend suggests. Born in New Jersey and raised in Philadelphia, she played a significant role in American history during the Revolutionary War.

Overlooked Historical Sites of the American Revolution

The article explores overlooked historical sites related to the American Revolution including the Bayley Hazen Road in Vermont, the French Cemetery at Yorktown, Nathan Hale's execution site in Manhattan, the Doric column at Fort Greene Park, and the Marion County Museum in South Carolina.

Abigail (Smith) Adams' Role in American Independence

Abigail Adams, a revolutionary and independent spirit, played a crucial role in American history during the fight for independence. She was a devoted wife, mother, and patriot who stood strong in the darkest days of the American Revolution, demanding recognition for the role of women in shaping the new nation.