Israeli Hostage Abuse by Hamas

Amit Soussana, an Israeli hostage freed by Israel from Hamas captivity, spoke out about the sexual and physical abuse she endured during her 55 days in captivity. The United Nations has acknowledged the sexual violence against hostages by Hamas members. Soussana was badly wounded upon her release.

Sexual Assault of Israeli Lawyer by Hamas Terrorist

A female lawyer, Amit Soussana, was sexually assaulted by a Hamas terrorist in Gaza after being taken hostage during a terror attack in Israel. She provided details of the assault to the New York Times. Hamas denied her account. Talks to release Israeli hostages in Gaza broke down after an anti-Israel resolution was passed by the UN Security Council.

Amit Soussana's Testimony of Sexual Violence in Hamas Captivity

Amit Soussana gave a detailed account of the sexual violence and physical abuse she endured in Hamas captivity, becoming the first hostage to directly testify about such atrocities. Her testimony sheds light on the horrors faced by women hostages in Gaza.