Arizona Senate's "Secure the Border Act"

Arizona Senate narrowly approves proposed ballot measure giving local law enforcement authority to arrest people who illegally cross US-Mexico border into the state. Measure aims to make unauthorized entry into Arizona a state crime, punishable by up to six months in jail for first offense. Critics fear it may lead to racial profiling and burden law enforcement.

Arizona Senate Push for the 'Secure Border Act'

Arizona Senate pushes for the 'Secure Border Act' to make illegal border crossing a crime, bypassing Gov. Katie Hobbs' opposition.

Criticism of Ruben Gallego's Anti-Second Amendment Views

Top Republicans criticize Arizona Senate Democrat candidate Ruben Gallego for his anti-Second Amendment views and association with radical policies. Gallego supports a ban on assault rifles and has cosponsored the Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2023. He has also expressed anti-law enforcement rhetoric.

Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake's evolving stance on abortion and the impact on upcoming elections

Republican Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake has softened her stance on abortion, reacting to backlash from her previous extreme views. Democrats like Rep. Ruben Gallego are critical of Lake's inconsistency on reproductive rights. Gallego aims to codify Roe v. Wade by eliminating the Senate's filibuster. Abortion rights are becoming a key issue in Arizona's upcoming elections.