Press Freedom Decline in Hong Kong

A representative of Reporters Without Borders was deported from Hong Kong in a concerning decline of press freedom. The new national security law in Hong Kong has raised fears of eroding civil liberties.

Closure of Radio Free Asia in Hong Kong and U.S. Visa Bans

Radio Free Asia is closing its Hong Kong operation due to safety concerns after the enactment of Article 23, a new national security law in Hong Kong. The U.S. State Department is imposing visa bans on some Hong Kong officials in response to the crackdown on freedoms in the territory.

Hong Kong's Article 23 Law

Hong Kong enacted a measure called the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, also known as the Article 23 law, which critics argue will further suppress free expression in the city. The law has implications for civil liberties and could impact international businesses in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong National Security Law - Article 23

Hong Kong passes new national security law called Article 23, covering acts of treason, subversion, and foreign interference, expanding on a law imposed by China in 2020.

China's Article 23 National Security Law in Hong Kong

China passed a new national security law in Hong Kong called Article 23, which criminalizes various offenses. Critics argue that the law erodes civil liberties in the territory and stifles dissent. The US and other governments have expressed opposition to the legislation.

Hong Kong National Security Legislation

Hong Kong lawmakers pass new national security legislation, carrying severe punishment, including life imprisonment, for acts deemed insurrection. Legislation is linked to Article 23 of Hong Kong's Basic Law, filling loopholes from Beijing's 2020 law; it has been criticized by human rights groups for being overly broad.

Hong Kong National Security Legislation

Hong Kong is set to pass sweeping national security legislation called Safeguarding National Security, which critics argue is too broad and gives more power to the government and Beijing to control civil society.