Case of Arrests in India for Alleged Plot to Assassinate Prime Minister Modi

The Sunday Story by NPR follows the case of sixteen people arrested in India for allegedly plotting to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The defendants claim they were falsely accused and evidence was fabricated. One defendant, Rev. Stan Swamy, died while fighting to clear his name.

Allegations of Assassination Plot Against Trump

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed Biden administration planned to assassinate former President Donald Trump in response to Trump's baseless accusations against DOJ and FBI.

Plot to Assassinate Ukrainian President

Ukrainian authorities have arrested two colonels who were allegedly plotting the assassination of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a gift to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The plot involved spying on Zelenskyy, providing information to the FSB, and planning to use weapons to carry out the assassination.

Russian Assassination Plot Thwarted in Ukraine

Ukraine's spy agency thwarted a Russian assassination plot to kidnap and kill President Zelensky. Two colonels were detained for planning the attack, which involved drones and explosives. The plot also targeted other senior officials. This is one of many attempts on Zelensky's life since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Assassination Plot Against President Zelensky

Two Ukrainian security officials detained for allegedly being part of a Russian plot to assassinate President Zelensky, which was foiled by Ukrainian authorities. Several other individuals have also been arrested in connection to similar assassination attempts.