Awkward Encounter Between Queen Camilla and French First Lady Brigitte Macron

Queen Camilla refused to hold hands with French First Lady Brigitte Macron during an event commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The incident prompted mixed reactions on social media.

Challenges faced by Brigitte Macron's daughter due to small town gossip and misinformation

Brigitte Macron's daughter Tiphaine Auzière opens up about the challenges she faced due to small town gossip when her mother left her father for Emmanuel Macron, dealing with trolls spreading misinformation about her mother, and the family dynamics surrounding the age-gap relationship.

Transphobic Disinformation Targeting Brigitte Macron

French first lady Brigitte Macron continues to face transphobic disinformation spreading to the United States, with false claims about her gender being circulated on social media. President Emmanuel Macron has taken legal action against those behind the allegations.

Conspiracy Theory about Brigitte Macron

President Macron addresses false conspiracy theory about his wife being born a man, denouncing it as libel. The claims gained prominence after being addressed by the First Family and a court ruling. Macron challenges the conspiracy in the public sphere and two YouTubers were convicted of libel for spreading the false claims.