R&B singer Mýa's celibacy journey

R&B singer Mýa shares her experience of practicing celibacy for seven years and the positive impact it had on her mental clarity and self-love.

The 'Boysober' Movement Among Young Women

Many young women are embracing the 'boysober' movement, abstaining from romantic or sexual relationships with men to focus on themselves. Therapists see this as a positive trend, helping women set boundaries and prioritize self-care.

Rise of Celibacy Among Women

The article discusses the rise of celibacy among women, inspired by various reasons including trauma, dissatisfaction with traditional dating norms, and rejection of patriarchal values. Many women are finding peace, self-discovery, and empowerment through celibacy, embracing terms like 'celibate' or 'decentering men.' The movement is seen as a response to societal pressures around sex and relationships.

Lenny Kravitz's celibacy and search for love

Lenny Kravitz reveals he's waiting for the right woman and has been celibate for nine years. He believes in waiting for a partner who matches him spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Lenny Kravitz's 9-Year Celibacy Journey

Lenny Kravitz has been celibate for 9 years on a spiritual journey inspired by his father's infidelity, avoiding casual flings and focusing on finding the right woman.