Charlie Kirk's Transformation to Embracing Christian Nationalist Thinking

Right-wing provocateur Charlie Kirk undergoes a transformation, embracing Christian nationalist thinking and aligning Turning Point USA with the Republican Party and MAGA movement. Kirk now promotes conservative political activism as central to Jesus' calling for Christians, warning of a spiritual struggle in politics.

Controversy Surrounding Martha-Ann Alito's Flag Display

Martha-Ann Alito, wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, expressed a desire to retaliate against those who criticized her for flying politically affiliated flags at their homes. The controversy involved symbols associated with far-right politics and Christian nationalism, sparking widespread criticism. Alito also mentioned plans to fly a 'Sacred Heart of Jesus' flag in protest of an LGBTQ Pride flag nearby.

Satanic Temple advocates for equal representation in public schools

Conservative lawmakers in Florida and Texas allowed religious chaplains in public schools, leading to the Satanic Temple advocating for equal representation. The Temple, recognized as a religion by the IRS, uses satire to make a point about the encroachment of religion on public life. They have faced opposition and threats but continue to grow in numbers, especially due to the rise of Christian nationalism. Legal battles have shown the effectiveness of the Temple's strategy in gaining access to public spaces intended for other religions.

Controversy Surrounding Trump's 'God Bless the USA' Bible

Former President Donald Trump is selling a patriotic Bible themed to Lee Greenwood's song, 'God Bless the USA,' which has raised concerns among religious circles and has been criticized for promoting Christian nationalism. The Bible features the American flag, historic American documents, and the lyrics to 'God Bless the USA.'

Christian Nationalism in America

The article discusses the rise of Christian nationalism and its potential impact on American society, highlighting the views of conservative voices and the dangers associated with extremist beliefs. It also delves into the Project 2025 initiative and the influence of individuals advocating for Christian nationalism within the government.

Role of Religion in Public Life in America

A Pew Research Center survey shows that a record high number of Americans believe the role of religion in public life is shrinking, with most viewing this as negative. There is widespread unease with religion's trajectory in American life, even among non-religious individuals. While some warn of a dangerous rise in 'Christian nationalism,' others advocate for promoting Christian moral values without declaring the country a Christian nation. The decline in religion in public life is seen as detrimental to character building and societal stability.

Society for American Civic Renewal and Christian Nationalism

New documents reveal the inner workings of the Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR), a secretive far-right men-only organization with a focus on Christian nationalism, including ties to the Afrikaner Broederbond and efforts to recruit members based on political alignment and faithfulness to the Christian religion.

Accusations of 'Christian Nationalism' Against Pastor Jack Hibbs

Fox News host Mark Levin and Pastor Jack Hibbs take a stand against accusations of being 'radical Christian nationalists' by Democrats after offering a prayer before Congress. Hibbs emphasizes the importance of seeking the welfare of the nation as a Christian nationalist.

Heidi Przybyla's Apology for Comments on Christian Nationalism

Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla apologized for calling those who believe their rights come from God as 'extremists' and 'Christian nationalists'. She clarified the difference between Christianity and Christian Nationalism, stating that Christian Nationalism is a political movement. Leading Christian organizations demanded an apology, calling her comments prejudicial and lacking knowledge of the US founding documents. Przybyla's remarks sparked controversy and criticism from various groups.

Christian Nationalism and Hispanic Protestants

Christian nationalists led in prayer as part of the 'Take Our Border Back Convoy' in Quemado, Texas. Hispanic Protestants show strong support for Christian nationalism despite its anti-immigrant and anti-diversity stances. Republican Party has a higher percentage of individuals holding Christian nationalist views compared to independents and Democrats.

Christian Nationalism and Media Bias

Leading Christian organizations demand an apology from Politico after reporter refers to those who believe rights come from God as extremists and Christian nationalists. The reporter's comments were criticized for spreading misinformation and demonizing the Christian community.

Bradley Onishi's Critique of Christian Nationalism in American Democracy

Bradley Onishi, a former Christian nationalist turned professor of religion, critiques the movement and its impact on American democracy in his book Preparing for War.

American Views on Christian Nationalism

A new survey finds that two-thirds of Americans reject or are skeptical about Christian nationalism, despite its rising influence. Some Republicans openly express Christian nationalist views, impacting education, immigration, and health care policies. Christian nationalism is more prevalent in deeply red states and among Republicans.

Christian Nationalism in the United States

A new survey by the Public Religion Research Institute shows that in states like North Dakota, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia, about half of residents support the idea that Christians should dominate all areas of American society, including its laws. Christian nationalist beliefs have become a defining feature of former President Donald Trump's political movement.

Criticism of Politico Reporter's Commentary on Christian Nationalism

Bishop Robert Barron criticizes Politico reporter's commentary on Christian nationalism, defending the belief that human rights come from God, not government.

Christian Nationalism in Trump's Circle

Investigative reporter Heidi Przybyla explains the difference between Christian nationalists and Christians, highlighting their belief that rights come from God, not earthly authorities like Congress or the Supreme Court.

Christian Nationalism and Far-Right Organizing in California

A Southern Californian Pastor of a church called 'Ekklesia; The Unwoke Church' is baptizing Proud Boys and aligning with Christian nationalism, promoting 'spiritual warfare' against perceived threats to Christian values and ethics.

2024 Elections and Christian Nationalism

An influential think tank close to Donald Trump is developing plans to infuse Christian nationalist ideas in his administration should he return to power, led by Russell Vought. The effort aims to prioritize Christian values in government and public life, with a focus on policies that align with Christian nationalism.