Recent Damage to River Outlet Works at Glen Canyon Dam

Recent damage to the river outlet works at Glen Canyon Dam has raised concerns about water management in the Colorado River basin, impacting 40 million people who rely on it.

Plumbing problems at Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River

Plumbing problems at Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River are causing concerns about future water delivery to southwestern states. The dam's tubes are damaged, potentially hindering water release downstream. This could affect millions of people and agricultural producers who rely on the Colorado River.

Water Usage and Challenges on the Colorado River

The Colorado River, once flowing from the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of California, is now heavily utilized by humans for agriculture, particularly for cattle-feed crops. A study found that irrigation for livestock feed accounts for a significant portion of the river's flow, exacerbating the challenges posed by a two-decade megadrought and overallocation of water resources. Intense negotiations are ongoing to address the future allocation of the river's water.

Impact of Conservation Efforts on Water Use in California

President Biden's wind farm plan opposed by Maine's fisheries and Southern California's Imperial Irrigation District faces delays due to a conservation program to protect the endangered desert pupfish and other species along the Colorado River.

Colorado River Water Management Plans

Seven states managing the Colorado River are divided over new plans to account for climate change impacts on water sharing. Upper Basin states want reduced water releases due to climate change, while Lower Basin states propose a new framework for water distribution.