Impact of the Columbine School Shooting on Online Culture

The article discusses how the Columbine school shooting in 1999 has sparked obsessive online interest among young people today, with content related to the shooters proliferating on social media platforms. Despite efforts to remove violent content, the glorification of the Columbine shooters persists online, leading to concerns about normalization of violence and radicalization among vulnerable individuals.

Columbine survivor helping others feel safe

Columbine survivor, Krista Hanley, helps others feel safer by co-founding Safer Together and teaching self-defense courses at a senior community in Denver. She struggled for years to address her trauma and now focuses on community safety and trauma-informed training.

Parental Responsibility in School Shootings

Columbine shooting survivor Craig Scott disagrees with the prison sentencing of the parents of the Michigan school shooter, arguing they couldn’t predict their son's actions.