Cuban Activist Bárbaro de Céspedes Blocked from Fleeing to Nicaragua

Cuban opposition activist Bárbaro de Céspedes was blocked from entering Nicaragua, preventing him from fleeing Cuba. De Céspedes, known as “The Patriot of Camagüey,” was arrested for participating in anti-communist protests and sentenced to prison. His attempt to leave Cuba was thwarted by Nicaraguan authorities, leaving him stranded. He accused Cuban and Nicaraguan officials of conspiring against him.

Gov. Ron DeSantis and his culture war agenda

Gov. Ron DeSantis is working to improve his relationship with former President Donald Trump while pushing a culture war agenda, including allowing chaplains in public schools, teaching kindergartners about communism, and banning lab-grown meat.

Governor Ron DeSantis Culture War Agenda

Gov. Ron DeSantis is trying to improve his relationship with former President Donald Trump while continuing his culture war agenda by signing laws related to chaplains in schools, teaching kindergartners about communism, and banning lab-grown meat.

Teaching History of Communism in Florida Public Schools

Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation in Florida requiring the history of communism to be taught in public schools, starting in the 2026-2027 school year. The lessons will focus on the dangers and evils of communism, incorporating various topics related to communism and its impact.

The Devil and Communist China: From Mao Down to Xi

Acclaimed scholar Steven W. Mosher explores the spiritual depths of Maoism in his latest book, arguing that Mao Zedong embraced evil and Xi Jinping is faithfully following his footsteps. Mosher delves into the anti-religion driving Mao and how demonic spiritual beliefs influenced his actions. The book warns about the current war with the Chinese Communist Party and the need to defeat communism.