Outbreak of Dangerous Mpox Strain in Africa

The World Health Organization and scientists are warning of a dangerous strain of mpox in Africa, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with fatality rates of 5% in adults and 10% in children. The virus spreads through close contact and has caused 410 deaths in Congo this year. Efforts are ongoing to combat the outbreak, which includes cases spreading through sexual contact and other close contact routes.

Americans on Trial for Alleged Role in Congo Coup Attempt

Three Americans accused of involvement in Congo coup attempt appeared in court, facing serious charges including terrorism and murder. One person onboard aircraft during the coup attempt is conscious. Prominent researcher also detained without clear evidence against him.

American Man's Involvement in Failed Coup Attempt in Congo

21-year-old American man gets mixed up in failed coup attempt in Congo during his first trip overseas. Fate still unknown.

American caught in failed coup attempt in Congo

Rep. Derrick Van Orden discusses Biden administration's response to EV materials being mined by children in Congo. American caught in failed coup attempt in Congo was on vacation and not politically engaged. U.S. offers help with investigation.

Military Court Sentences Soldiers to Death in Congo

Military court in eastern Congo sentences eight soldiers to death for cowardice and other crimes linked to fleeing the battlefield. Government struggles to contain violence in the mineral-rich area with many armed groups. Decades-long conflict has led to one of the world's worst humanitarian crises.

Bombing at Refugee Camp in Eastern Congo

A bomb at a refugee camp in eastern Congo killed at least 5 people, including children, with the attack blamed on a rebel group. The region is known for its cobalt mining and ongoing humanitarian crises.

Monkeypox Outbreak in Congo

Congo is facing its biggest monkeypox outbreak with a new form of the disease detected in a mining town. The disease is mutating, making it harder to diagnose but with a lower death rate. Experts are concerned about the virus adapting to spread more efficiently among humans.

Extremist Rebels Kill Civilians in Congo

Extremist-linked rebels have killed at least a dozen people in a raid on a rural community in the volatile east of Congo, with ties to the Islamic State group. The violence near the border with Uganda has led to mass displacement and human rights abuses.

Congo's Liquified Natural Gas Export

The African nation of Congo launched production of liquified natural gas, becoming a new exporter. The first cargo will head to Italy for regassification. The project will have an annual capacity of 4.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas.