Impact of Expiring Federal Funds on K-12 Schools

Billions of dollars in federal COVID funding set to expire for K-12 schools, causing concerns about the impact on crucial programs, budget cutbacks, and possible layoffs.

Actor John Leguizamo's Statements on Latino Voters and the Economy

Actor John Leguizamo urges Latinos to stop blaming President Biden for the economy, attributing high consumer prices to COVID and Trump's handling of the pandemic. However, his reasoning is disputed by facts, as inflation has significantly risen under Biden, leading to dissatisfaction among voters.

Longest Covid Infection Duration in an Immunocompromised Patient

An elderly man in Amsterdam, who was immunocompromised, had a Covid infection for 613 days, during which the virus mutated around 50 times. This case highlights the potential dangers of prolonged infections in vulnerable patients.

Health News

Kate Middleton announces cancer diagnosis, high school students working on cancer research, Elon Musk uses ketamine for mental health, successful pig kidney transplant, missed prostate cancer diagnoses in the UK due to COVID, medications impairing driving ability, importance of washing face at night, AI app predicts long-term care needs for seniors

Impact of COVID School Closures on Learning Loss

The article discusses a new study on the learning loss caused by COVID school closures, highlighting that lower-income students were most affected. It also mentions the role of politics in school closure policies and the impact on the spread of COVID among people under 20. Experts suggest that the impact on stopping the spread of COVID depends on the school.

CDC changing isolation guidance for COVID

The CDC is changing its isolation guidance for COVID to focus on respiratory viruses in general, as severe outcomes are less frequent.