Terrorist Attack at Moscow's Crocus City Hall

Terrorists attack Moscow's Crocus City Hall, killing over 130 people. NBC News provides a timeline of the event.

Russian Forces Torture Suspects in Connection to Moscow Terror Attack

Footage emerges of Russian forces torturing suspects in connection to Moscow terror attack, resulting in severe physical harm. The attack at Crocus City Hall left over 140 people dead. Suspects are paraded in court with visible cuts and bruises. The barbaric treatment includes electric shocks to genitals and forced consumption of own ear. Russian Investigative Committee interrogating four suspects, with photos and names leaked to media. Human rights groups denounce the torture methods. IS claims responsibility for the attack, with suspects linked to ISIS-K. Putin declares day of national mourning but suggests Ukraine's involvement in the attack.

Attack on Crocus City Hall in Russia

Survivors and mourners recount their reactions after gunmen attacked a crowd and set fire to Crocus City Hall, a Russian concert venue. Long lines form to donate blood as many remain injured.

Deadly Terrorist Attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow

A deadly terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow resulted in 115 people killed. Suspects were planning to cross the Russian-Ukrainian border. ISIS claimed responsibility, but Ukraine denied involvement. Over 115 were hospitalized, and 11 suspects have been detained. Previous deadly terror attacks in Russia were mentioned.

Attack at Moscow's Crocus City Hall

Videos show chaos inside Moscow's Crocus City Hall after reported attack with gunshots heard and armed men with rifles present as concertgoers try to exit the venue.

Mass Shooting at Crocus City Hall near Moscow

Five gunmen dressed in camouflage clothing opened fire at a concert in Crocus City Hall near Moscow, killing at least 14 and injuring scores. The death toll is still rising.

Gunmen Attack at Crocus City Hall

Gunmen shoot multiple people at Crocus City Hall in Moscow area, smoke seen billowing from the venue.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow has resulted in at least 40 dead and more than 100 injured, including children. Regional leaders have canceled events, and international condolences have been expressed. The U.S. is monitoring the situation, and there are reports of gunmen in combat fatigues causing chaos and fire at the venue.