Controversy Surrounding The Apprentice Biopic

Billionaire Dan Snyder is reportedly blocking the domestic release of The Apprentice, a biopic of former President Donald Trump, which portrays him as a rapist. Snyder, a supporter of Trump and indirect investor in the film, is preventing the movie's distribution in the U.S.

Controversy Surrounding Biopic of Donald Trump

Billionaire former owner of Washington Commanders is blocking the release of a biopic of Donald Trump portraying him as a rapist. Dan Snyder, who helped finance the movie, is preventing its distribution in the U.S.

Struggle to Find a U.S. Distributor for 'The Apprentice' Film

The film 'The Apprentice,' a scathing portrait of a young Donald Trump, dominated the Cannes Film Festival but is struggling to find a U.S. distributor due to fears of backlash and censorship. Some distributors believe releasing the movie could anger Trump, impacting their operations. The film's investor, Dan Snyder, must approve any sale and has expressed dissatisfaction with the portrayal of Trump. Despite strong reviews, no major studios have bid on the film yet.