Legislation to Prevent Child Labor in Cobalt Mining for Green Energy

New legislation introduced by Rep. Chris Smith aims to prevent minerals key to green energy in the U.S. from being extracted with child labor in the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly focusing on cobalt used in electric vehicle batteries sourced from the DRC. The bill seeks to block cobalt extracted with child or forced labor from entering the U.S. market, as Chinese companies dominate the cobalt supply chain and profit from unethical labor practices.

Refugees Fleeing Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo to Rwanda

More than 6,000 refugees, mostly children, have fled violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to the Nkamira Transit Center in Rwanda. The center faces challenges such as budget cuts and lacks resources for the refugees. The conflict is a result of the legacy of the Rwandan genocide and ethnic tensions. The international community needs to respond collectively to address the crisis.

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Outbreak of mpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo has health experts concerned due to majority of deaths being children.