Tropical Storm Alberto and its Impact on Mexico and Texas

Tropical Storm Alberto made landfall in Mexico and brought heavy rain and flooding to the country's Gulf Coast and Texas. Governor Greg Abbott issued a disaster declaration for 51 Texas counties. The storm is expected to weaken and dissipate by Thursday night.

Massive Landslide in Papua New Guinea

Rescuers are searching for survivors in Liangshui village after a landslide in southwestern China. Traumatized survivors of a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea are slow to move to safer ground as authorities fear triggering another landslide. The disaster has displaced survivors and led to injuries and a growing disease risk.

Papua New Guinea Landslide

A massive landslide in Yambali, Papua New Guinea has resulted in over 2,000 people believed to be buried alive, according to a government official, which is significantly higher than the initial estimate of 670 fatalities. International help has been requested, and the situation remains unstable with challenging conditions on the ground.

Brazil Floods: Southern State Devastated by Unprecedented Rains

Unseasonably heavy rains in southern Brazil have led to massive flooding, resulting in at least 100 deaths and many displaced individuals. The floods are exacerbated by global warming and local topography, with rescue efforts ongoing to provide aid to those affected.

Brazil Floods in Rio Grande do Sul State

Massive floods in Brazil's southern Rio Grande do Sul state have killed at least 75 people over the last seven days, with another 103 reported missing. The floods have caused extensive damage, displacing over 88,000 people and leaving more than 800,000 without water supply.

Tornado in Guangzhou, China

A tornado in Guangzhou, China caused widespread devastation, killing five people, injuring dozens, and damaging over 140 buildings. The tornado struck during a thunderstorm, damaging factory buildings and vehicles.

Dubai Storm and Oman Flooding

A massive storm in Dubai flooded roads, closed the airport, and killed at least 18 people in neighboring Oman.

Maui Fire Department Report on Lahaina Wildfires in Hawaii

The Maui Fire Department is expected to release a report detailing its response to wildfires in Lahaina, Hawaii, which caused significant damage and fatalities. Efforts are being made to understand the events surrounding the wildfires and hold responsible parties accountable.

Taiwan Earthquake

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake in Taiwan has resulted in at least nine deaths and over 1,000 injuries, making it the most powerful quake in the region in 25 years.

Texas Wildfire Disaster

The largest wildfire in the history of Texas has claimed two lives, destroyed homes, and burned over 1.1 million acres. The fire is only 3 percent contained, with devastating impacts on residents and wildlife. Snowfall provided temporary relief, but dry, windy conditions could worsen the situation.

Texas Panhandle Wildfires

Wildfires in the Texas Panhandle prompt evacuations, power outages, and affect a nuclear weapons facility; Governor issues disaster declaration for 60 counties; facilities affected include Pantex plant; hope for firefighters with cooler temperatures and less wind forecasted

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant at Risk

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, near the front line of the war with Russia, is at risk of a potential disaster due to staffing issues, maintenance concerns, and power outages. The plant is currently relying on backup generators to operate safely.