Food aid distribution to Gaza

The U.N. World Food Programme distributed food aid to Gaza's population with the help of the U.S. military after a pause due to security concerns. Aid is being delivered via a floating dock and temporary pier system known as JLOTS. Plans are being made for alternative aid delivery routes.

Struggle to Find a U.S. Distributor for 'The Apprentice' Film

The film 'The Apprentice,' a scathing portrait of a young Donald Trump, dominated the Cannes Film Festival but is struggling to find a U.S. distributor due to fears of backlash and censorship. Some distributors believe releasing the movie could anger Trump, impacting their operations. The film's investor, Dan Snyder, must approve any sale and has expressed dissatisfaction with the portrayal of Trump. Despite strong reviews, no major studios have bid on the film yet.

Global Vaccine Treaty Rejection by Britain

Britain is set to reject a global vaccine treaty proposed by the World Health Organization, citing concerns over sovereignty and the distribution of vaccines. The treaty aims to have richer countries donate 20% of tests, treatments, and vaccines for the WHO to distribute in poorer countries during emergencies.

Humanitarian Aid Delivery to Gaza

The number of trucks delivering aid to Gaza has increased in the past 24 hours, but distribution remains a challenge.

Aid Shipment to Gaza

Aid shipment arrives in Gaza to help starving Palestinians, but distribution plans remain unclear amid discrepancies between charity and Israeli officials. Second boat with food being loaded for future delivery.

International Private Security Contractors for Humanitarian Aid Delivery in Gaza

Israel is considering using international private security contractors to protect humanitarian aid deliveries in Gaza. The U.S. is planning to set up a maritime corridor for aid delivery to Gaza, with a temporary military pier system. The Biden administration expects the Israeli government to provide security for the U.S. military pier, but the plan for security on the shore is still in progress.