Various News Stories

Julia Bernstein, 12, set fishing records and will receive an award. A dentist's TikTok video on when not to brush teeth went viral. A college student created an insurance tool called the 'Marriage Pact.' Lard is making a comeback in the food industry. Dr. Nicole Saphier's book celebrates motherhood. Fox News offers daily crossword puzzles and fun stories.

Book release 'Love, Mom' by Dr. Nicole Saphier

Dr. Nicole Saphier's book 'Love, Mom' celebrates motherhood with inspiring stories and advice from various moms, including her own journey of unexpected motherhood at age 17. The book also features contributions from other Fox News contributors and personal connections, covering topics like work-life balance, faith, and overcoming obstacles.

Dr. Nicole Saphier's Journey from Teen Mom to Successful Doctor

Dr. Nicole Saphier shares her journey from being a teen mom to becoming a successful doctor, overcoming obstacles and societal stigma. Her new book, 'Love, Mom,' celebrates motherhood and offers inspiring stories of perseverance and determination.