EU Parliament Majority Projection

Centrist groups maintain majority in EU parliament despite gains by far-right parties in France, Germany, and elsewhere.

European Farmer Protests Against Climate Change Policies

Anthony Lee, a farmer in Lower Saxony, Germany, has been vocal in criticizing the EU's climate change policies and is involved in the farmer protest movement. European farmers are protesting against new environmental regulations, subsidy cuts, and cheap agricultural imports. The protests have turned violent in some cases, with farmers clashing with police. The EU has made concessions to farmers in response to the protests, potentially shifting policies away from environmental concerns.

Dutch EU Parliament Elections

Dutch populist leader Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom makes significant gains in EU Parliament elections, expected to secure at least seven seats. Anti-mass migration party celebrates success, with potential for additional seat. Success seen as hopeful signal for other Eurosceptical parties in Europe. Upstart Farmer Citizen-Movement party also sees success, projected to win at least two seats.

European Union Migration Law Reform

European Union lawmakers approved a major revamp of the bloc's migration laws, aiming to end division over managing the entry of unauthorized people and deprive the far right of a campaign issue. The reforms address responsibility for migrants and potential obligations for other EU countries.

Migration Politics in the European Union

Former head of EU's Frontex agency, Fabrice Leggeri, joins anti-mass migration National Rally for EU Parliament elections. He criticizes EU's migration pact and successor at Frontex for open borders approach.