Political Response to 'Transgender Visibility Day' on Easter Sunday

Former President Trump vows to create 'Christian Visibility Day' in response to President Biden's declaration of 'Transgender Visibility Day' coinciding with Easter Sunday. Trump criticizes Biden's decision as disrespectful to Christians.

Shooting in Nashville on Easter Sunday

Anton Rucker, a gunman with a lengthy criminal history, is on the run after a shooting in Nashville that left one person dead and four injured. The shooting took place at a coffee shop during Easter Sunday brunch.

President Biden's Alleged Declaration of 'Transgender Day of Visibility' on Easter Sunday

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre denies the claim that President Biden declared Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, as the 'Transgender Day of Visibility,' labeling it as misinformation.

Controversy Surrounding Biden's Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility

President Joe Biden issued a proclamation declaring March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility, which coincided with Easter Sunday. Despite denying the declaration, the White House confirmed the proclamation. Various politicians and officials have expressed differing views on the matter.

Alyssa Milano defends Biden's declaration of 'Transgender Day of Visibility' on Easter Sunday

Actress Alyssa Milano quoted Jesus Christ to defend President Joe Biden's declaration of 'Transgender Day of Visibility' on Easter Sunday. Biden honored transgender Americans and emphasized their contributions to the nation.

Criticism of President Biden's Catholic Faith

Roman Catholic Archbishop Wilton Cardinal Gregory criticized President Biden for being a 'cafeteria Catholic' who picks and chooses aspects of the faith, ignoring or contradicting others. Biden has faced backlash for his pro-choice stance on abortion and for marking Easter Sunday as 'Transgender Day of Visibility.'

César Chávez Day and Nancy Pelosi's Recognition

Rep. Nancy Pelosi marked César Chávez Day on Easter Sunday, honoring the late farmworker union organizer and civil rights leader. California state government offices will observe the holiday on Monday, April 1. Pelosi's recognition comes amidst President Joe Biden facing criticism for recognizing the day as Transgender Day of Visibility.

Criticism of President Biden's Recognition of Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday

The article discusses criticism of President Biden for recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday. Different perspectives are presented on the impact of the proclamation on Christianity and the response required from Christians.

Controversy over President Biden Recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday

President Biden recognized Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday, sparking backlash from conservatives who criticized the decision as an attack on Christianity.

Controversy over President Biden's declaration of Easter Sunday 2024 as 'Transgender Day of Visibility'

Former Olympic medal-winner Caitlyn Jenner criticizes President Joe Biden for declaring Easter Sunday 2024 as 'Transgender Day of Visibility,' accusing him of erasing Christianity. Biden's proclamation honors transgender Americans and condemns legislation targeting transgender kids.

President Biden recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday

President Biden recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday has sparked criticism from 'The Big Weekend Show' panelists and social media users. Events celebrating the day are scheduled worldwide, including in New York and Washington, D.C. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed support for transgender persons on Easter Sunday.

White House declares Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day

The White House announced that Easter Sunday would be Transgender Visibility Day, prompting backlash from some, including Magic forward Jonathan Isaac. The White House honored transgender Americans and reaffirmed commitment to equality. Isaac initially criticized the decision but later retracted his statement, acknowledging the annual observance. He emphasized the importance of focusing on the true meaning of Resurrection Sunday.

President Biden's Recognition of Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday

President Biden faces backlash for recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday, leading to a heated debate between supporters and critics.

Transgender Day of Visibility

President Biden marked Transgender Day of Visibility, drawing criticism from various individuals including Orlando Magic star Jonathan Isaac and former President Donald Trump's national press secretary.

Royal Family Health Update

King Charles III attends Easter Sunday service at Windsor Castle after being diagnosed with cancer. Queen Camilla and other royal family members accompany him. Prince William and Kate were absent due to Kate's own cancer diagnosis.

Pope Francis presides over Easter Sunday Mass despite health concerns

Pope Francis overcame concerns about his health to preside over Easter Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square with around 30,000 attendees, following respiratory issues he faced during the winter. The Mass is one of the most important dates on the liturgical calendar, celebrating Jesus' resurrection after his crucifixion. Despite recent health struggles, Francis was able to lead the service and deliver sacraments to new Catholics.

President Biden declares Easter Sunday 'Transgender Day of Visibility'

President Joe Biden declared March 31, 2024, Easter Sunday as 'Transgender Day of Visibility,' sparking backlash from Republican Party members and conservative figures who criticized the move as an insult to Christianity.

Controversy over Biden's designation of Easter Sunday as 'Transgender Day of Visibility'

President Joe Biden received criticism for designating Easter Sunday as 'Transgender Day of Visibility', with many calling it a direct assault on Christianity.

Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday Message from Pastor Jesse Bradley

Archbishop of New York Cardinal Dolan pays tribute to slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller and shares a faith-filled message ahead of Easter Sunday, emphasizing the importance of hope and God's promises.

Message of Hope and Resilience for Easter Sunday by Cardinal Dolan on Fox & Friends

Cardinal Dolan paid tribute to slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller and shared a message of hope and resilience for Easter Sunday on Fox & Friends. He emphasized the transformative power of Christ and the importance of faith in overcoming darkness and despair.

Anti-Christian Violence in Manipur, India

The Hindu nationalist government of Manipur, India declared Easter Sunday a work day, triggering outrage. The state has seen anti-Christian violence, with the largest tribe petitioning for scheduled tribe status, leading to riots and destruction of churches. The government later revoked the order following widespread criticism.

Good Friday and Easter Sunday Observance by Christians

Good Friday is observed by Christians to remember the crucifixion of Jesus, followed by his resurrection on Easter Sunday. These beliefs are central to many Americans' views on life and death, despite growing secularism. The events took place on Golgotha outside Jerusalem, fulfilling biblical prophecies. The Book of Hebrews explains how Jesus' sacrifice fulfilled the old sacrificial system. Many may find these beliefs absurd, but they have been held for centuries.

Good Friday and the Crucifixion Story

Senior pastor reflects on the meaning of Good Friday and the humanity and divinity of Christ highlighted in the crucifixion story.

Controversy over Fairfax County's designation of Easter Sunday 2024 as 'Transgender Visibility Day'

Fairfax County, Virginia has designated Easter Sunday 2024 as 'Transgender Visibility Day,' sparking controversy among Christians who view it as a hijack of their sacred holiday. The Fairfax County School Board has added this day to its existing LGBT Pride Month and LGBT History Month designations, extending the celebration to 62 days in schools.