Business owners facing property seizure in Missouri

Business owners in a small Missouri town face the prospect of losing their properties as the city declared them blighted to hand over the land to a private developer. The developer plans to replace existing properties with apartments, a hotel, office space, a microbrewery, and stores, generating over $266 million in revenue over 25 years.

Washington D.C. Mayor attends PGA Masters Tournament on taxpayer funds

Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser attended the PGA Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia on taxpayer funds, claiming it was for promoting sports and economic development in the city.

Impact of Infrastructure Law on Job Creation

Rep. James Clyburn responds to criticism of President Biden touting infrastructure while people are dealing with inflation by highlighting the positive impact of the infrastructure law on job creation and economic development.

India's General Election 2024

The article discusses India's upcoming general election, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi, known for his Hindu nationalist views, faces a broad opposition alliance. It highlights the key issues, candidates, and the potential impact of the election on India's democracy and economy.

Bulgarian Political Power-Sharing Agreement

Bulgarian lawmakers approve resignation of Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov as part of a power-sharing agreement, with Maria Gabriel expected to replace him. The two main political parties are taking turns holding the top job for nine months each to restore stability and spur economic development in Bulgaria, the poorest EU member country.

Economic Development and Gentrification in West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach experiences economic development, attracting newcomers due to warm weather and low property tax, with luxury condos and businesses flourishing. Stephen Ross plays a key role in the city's transformation but faces controversies. Gentrification causes concerns for middle- and lower-class residents.