Turkey's Conversion of Chora Church into a Mosque

Turkey's decision to convert the ancient Chora Church in Istanbul into a mosque has sparked debate over cultural preservation and religious rights, similar to the conversion of Hagia Sophia in 2020.

Turkish President Erdogan's Support for Hamas

Turkish President Erdogan stated that over a thousand Hamas members received medical treatment in Turkish hospitals, leading to tension with Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis, who views Hamas as a terrorist group. Erdogan has a history of supporting Hamas and criticizing Israel, comparing their actions to genocide. There are conflicting reports on whether the treated individuals were Hamas fighters or Palestinian civilians.

Turkey Bans Trade with Israel in Support of Hamas

Turkish President Erdogan announced a ban on all imports and exports with Israel in support of Hamas, accusing Israel of targeting Palestinian civilians. The trade volume between the two countries was $9.5 billion. Erdogan defended Hamas, compared Netanyahu to Hitler, and organized rallies in support of Palestine.

Turkey suspends imports and exports to Israel over Gaza conflict

Turkey suspends all imports and exports to Israel in response to Israel's military action in Gaza, demanding the flow of humanitarian aid. This is the second phase of measures against Israel, with previous restrictions on specific products. Tensions between Turkey and Israel have been ongoing, with accusations of war crimes and genocide from the Turkish President.

Turkey-Israel Trade Relations and Anti-Israel Protests

Turkey cuts off all trade with Israel in protest against the war in Gaza, leading to criticism from Israeli government officials. The tension between Israel and Turkey escalates as Erdogan's government accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

Arrests in Turkey Linked to ISIS and May Day Bomb Plot

Over 100 people have been arrested in Turkey for having ties to ISIS and planning bomb attacks on May Day marches. The government is cracking down on leftist celebrations in Istanbul, leading to international outrage. Erdogan falsely takes credit for eliminating ISIS, while reports suggest the group is regaining strength in the Middle East.

Local Elections in Turkey and Impact on Erdogan's Party

Former NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom reacts to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's remarks about Hamas and Israel, as well as anti-Israel protests breaking out in the country. Recent local elections in Turkey show significant wins by the opposition party, challenging Erdogan's ruling party.

Turkey-Israel Trade Dispute

Turkey and Israel announced trade barriers on each other amid deteriorating relations due to the war in Gaza. Turkey restricted exports of 54 products to Israel, and Israel prepared a ban on Turkish products in response.

Turkish Local Elections 2024

Turkish President Erdogan and his party suffered a major defeat in local elections, losing Istanbul and Ankara to opposition candidates. The opposition CHP won the popular vote, potentially hindering Erdogan's future plans. Erdogan vowed to learn from the defeat and improve. The election marked a significant increase in female mayors, signaling a potential shift in Turkish politics.

Turkey's Municipal Elections

Turkey's municipal elections resulted in a significant defeat for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling party, with the opposition winning key cities including Istanbul. Erdogan acknowledged the message from voters and promised to address their concerns

Turkey's Local Elections

Turkey's opposition wins major cities in local elections, dealing a blow to President Erdogan's ruling party. Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu's center-left CHP party wins Istanbul by over 1 million votes. Erdogan's party admits to losing altitude and vows to rectify errors. Analysts speculate Imamoglu could be a front-runner for Turkish presidency in 2028.

Turkish Local Elections 2024

In a local vote in Turkey, opposition leader Ekrem Imamoglu secured a significant victory over President Erdogan and his party, marking a potential shift in the country's political landscape.

Turkish Local Elections

Turkey's main opposition party, the Republican People's Party (CHP), retained control over key cities and made significant gains in local elections, upsetting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The CHP won 36 of Turkey's 81 provinces and gained 37% of the votes nationwide, marking their greatest electoral victory in two decades. Erdogan acknowledged the setback and vowed to correct mistakes. The elections were seen as a barometer of Erdogan's popularity and the voters' desire for a new political order.

Turkish President Erdogan's Military Incursion Against PKK

Turkish President Erdogan is preparing for a military incursion into Syria and Iraq to fight the PKK, a Kurdish separatist group. He is seeking to create a security corridor along the borders and has been in talks with various countries. The operation is expected to start after Ramadan or local elections in Iraq.

Turkish President Erdogan's Announcement of Last Local Elections

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the upcoming local elections on March 31 will be his last, potentially ending his more than two decades in power. Erdogan has been criticized for his authoritarian tendencies and crackdown on free speech.