Menstrual Education in Schools

UNICEF report highlights the lack of menstrual education in schools worldwide, with only 39% offering such instruction. In Ethiopia, efforts are being made to educate both girls and boys about menstruation and provide necessary supplies and support.

EU Tightens Visa Requirements for Ethiopians Amid Civil War

EU tightens visa requirements for Ethiopian nationals due to lack of cooperation in deportation procedures, as Ethiopia is mired in conflict and humanitarian crisis.

Ethiopia's Humanitarian Crisis

A United Nations-backed gathering raised pledges of almost $630 million for Ethiopia's humanitarian crisis, falling short of the $1 billion sought. Donors called on the Ethiopian government to ensure aid delivery without interference and reach those in need. Ethiopia faces conflicts in various regions, impacting millions of people.

Shootout in Addis Ababa

A shootout in Addis Ababa between militiamen and police officers resulted in the deaths of three people, including two militia members and a bystander. The violence is part of Ethiopia's ongoing regional rebellions spilling into the capital city.

Ethiopia's Commercial Bank System Glitch

Ethiopia's biggest bank recovers nearly 80% of lost cash due to system glitch that allowed customers to withdraw more money than they had in their accounts. $14 million was withdrawn or transferred, with some individuals yet to return the money.