House Judiciary Committee sues AG Garland for recordings of President Biden's interview

House Judiciary Committee sues AG Garland for recordings of President Biden's interview, amid chaos in the Democratic Party over Biden's debate performance. Garland refuses to produce audio recordings, citing executive privilege. Justice Department will not prosecute Garland for contempt.

Criticism of President Biden's Use of Executive Privilege

Rep. Kelly Armstrong criticizes President Biden's use of executive privilege to block the release of the audio of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, emphasizing the importance of hearing things in one's own words over reading transcripts.

Challenging President Biden's Executive Privilege

Republicans are challenging President Joe Biden's use of executive privilege to block the release of his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, with Rep. Kelly Armstrong advocating for legal action and maintaining the House's stance on the issue.

Controversy over Executive Privilege and Release of Investigation Recordings

Rep. Dan Goldman argues that there is no new information in the recordings from Special Counsel Robert Hur's investigation over which President Joe Biden asserted executive privilege. Attorney General Merrick Garland shouldn't be held in contempt for not turning over the tapes as the transcripts have already been released.

President Biden's decision to block release of audio recordings from Special Counsel investigation

President Biden invoked executive privilege to block the release of audio recordings from Special Counsel Robert Hur's investigation into him, despite initially insisting that Hur had mischaracterized the interviews. The White House may have chosen to face criticism rather than release potentially damaging audio for use in 2024 election ads.

President Biden's decision to assert executive privilege over interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur

President Biden asserted executive privilege over his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, preventing Congress from obtaining his audio recordings. The decision was made at the request of the attorney general to protect law enforcement files. Biden's mental lapses and poor memory during the interview were revealed, but Hur ultimately declined to prosecute due to insufficient evidence.

Debate over Contempt of Congress for Attorney General Merrick Garland

The House Oversight Committee will debate holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for not releasing audio recordings of President Biden's meetings with Special Prosecutor Robert Hur.

President Biden's Assertion of Executive Privilege

President Biden asserted executive privilege over recordings of his interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur, sparking controversy and accusations of hiding information.

Republicans' Contempt Effort Against AG Garland

Republicans are moving forward with trying to hold AG Garland in contempt despite President Biden asserting executive privilege over the audio of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur. The House Judiciary Committee voted to approve a contempt resolution against Garland for not turning over recordings. The DOJ and White House expressed concerns about potential manipulation of the tapes by GOP lawmakers.

House Judiciary Committee Contempt Resolution Against Attorney General Merrick Garland

The House Judiciary Committee passed a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for failing to disclose audio recordings of President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur. Republicans maintain a narrow majority in the House to pass the resolution. Garland defied a final warning to comply with a subpoena for the recording despite several warnings and requests. Biden asserted executive privilege to prevent disclosure of the audio. The White House previously bragged about not asserting executive privilege over Hur's probe into Biden for mishandling classified documents.

President Joe Biden's assertion of executive privilege over interview recordings

President Joe Biden asserted executive privilege over his interview with Special Counsel Rob Hur to prevent Congress from obtaining audio recordings, leading to a reversal in White House policy. House Oversight Committee scheduled a markup to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for refusal to hand over recordings, part of an impeachment inquiry into Biden's mishandling of classified documents.

President Biden's Executive Privilege Assertion

President Biden asserts executive privilege over his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, leading to a clash with Congress. Trump Campaign Spokesman criticizes Biden for a perceived double standard in the use of executive privilege.

Controversy over Executive Privilege and Justice Department

Attorney General Merrick Garland defends President Biden's decision to assert executive privilege over recordings of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, citing potential harm to sensitive investigations. The Justice Department faces contempt charges for refusing to hand over the audio.

President Biden's executive privilege assertion over interview with special counsel

President Biden asserts executive privilege over his interview with special counsel Hur to prevent Congress from obtaining audio recordings. Attorney General Garland faces contempt of Congress for refusal to hand over the recording. Biden experienced mental lapses during the interview. Executive branch asserts official cannot be prosecuted for contempt of Congress. White House criticizes demand for audio recordings as politically motivated.

DOJ shields Attorney General Garland from contempt of Congress

The DOJ says it shields Attorney General Garland from contempt of Congress by asserting executive privilege over the audio of President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur. The move is seen as a way to protect the Department from improper political influence and maintain independence in law enforcement work.

White House asserts executive privilege over Biden probe evidence

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan asserts that the Justice Department must provide evidence related to a Biden probe, prompting the White House to claim executive privilege over audio and video recordings. The investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents following his time as vice president under the Obama administration sparked controversy over his cognitive abilities. House Republicans subpoenaed DOJ materials related to the Special Counsel Hur interview with Biden, leading to a clash between the executive branch and Congress.

Peter Navarro's Contempt of Congress Conviction

Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro reported to prison in Miami following a U.S. Supreme Court order. Navarro convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with subpoena related to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. Navarro claims he couldn't testify due to Trump's executive privilege.

Former Trump Adviser Peter Navarro's Contempt of Congress Conviction

Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro is set to report to prison after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to delay his jail term for contempt of Congress conviction related to the Jan. 6, 2021 attacks.

Peter Navarro facing prison for refusing congressional subpoena

Peter Navarro faces prison for failing to comply with a congressional subpoena, believes he is being targeted for his support of Trump and his book 'The New MAGA Deal'. He sees this as a battle for constitutional separation of powers and executive privilege.