Delay in Executive Action on the Border by President Joe Biden

NBC News Chief Political Analyst Chuck Todd criticizes President Joe Biden for waiting six weeks to take executive action on the border, calling the reasons for the delay 'excuse-making.'

Border Crossings and U.S.-Mexico Relations

Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY) predicts a surge in border crossings after Mexico elections, calls on President Biden to take executive action if a bipartisan bill isn't passed.

Border Security and Immigration Policy

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) believes President Joe Biden has the authority to unilaterally shut down the border through executive action, similar to what President Obama did with Title 8. Cuellar emphasizes the importance of using resources to control the border and deporting individuals who are not supposed to enter the country.

President Joe Biden's Executive Gun Control Measure on Universal Background Checks

President Joe Biden boasted about the ATF's expanded background check rule, moving gun sales towards universal background checks, using executive action after Congress consistently refused to pass such gun control measures. The rule is aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and domestic abusers.

Gun Control

President Joe Biden expressed willingness to take further executive action on guns if re-elected, criticizing former President Donald Trump's promises to the NRA. He highlighted the need for common-sense gun laws and emphasized the pain of families affected by gun violence.

President Biden's stance on addressing the border crisis

President Biden does not plan on taking executive action to address record numbers of migrants coming into the U.S. through the southern border after failed legislative efforts. He is counting on a legislative fix to the problem. Nearly 7.3 million migrants have illegally crossed the southwest border under President Biden's watch.

Government Funding and Ukraine Aid Negotiations

President Biden and Vice President Harris met with congressional leaders in the Oval Office to discuss government funding and Ukraine aid. The leaders are optimistic about reaching a deal before a Friday deadline to avert a government shutdown, but remain divided on Ukraine funding.

Immigration Policy and Tragic Death of Laken Riley

Rep. Katie Porter emphasizes the need to not let one instance shape overall immigration policy, highlighting the various facets of immigration including economic decisions. She also stresses the importance of executive action in addressing immigration challenges but points out the need for more comprehensive solutions beyond simply closing the border.

Media Coverage of Biden vs. Trump on Border Crisis

Sen. Tim Scott criticizes the two-tiered standard in media coverage of President Biden's handling of the border crisis compared to former President Trump. Biden is considering executive action to restrict asylum claims amid historic border crossings.

Immigration Policy

President Biden is considering using executive action to turn away asylum seekers at the border if they cross illegally, a move that could inflame Latino groups and the progressive wing of his party.

White House Considers Executive Action on Asylum Seekers at US-Mexico Border

The White House is considering executive action to restrict migrants’ ability to seek asylum at the US-Mexico border if they crossed illegally, which is reminiscent of controversial actions from the Donald Trump era. Biden has been dealing with record levels of migration at the border. The action involves using an authority known as 212f between ports of entry to clamp down on unlawful border crossings.