Fox News Poll: Trump vs. Biden in Georgia

Fox News Poll shows former President Trump maintaining a slim majority over President Biden in Georgia. Trump's coalition remains steady with support from White evangelical Christians, White men without a degree, rural voters, and voters ages 65 and over. Georgia voters favor Trump on most issues, including immigration and the economy. Voters view Trump more favorably and mentally fit for the job compared to Biden.

Fox News Poll on Wisconsin Voters' Preferences

Fox News Poll in Wisconsin shows tie between Biden and Trump in a hypothetical 2-way presidential race, with Biden leading by 2 points when third-party candidates are included. Voters split by age, gender, and party lines in their preferences. Trump favored on handling immigration and the economy, while Biden leads on abortion, health care, and election integrity. Wisconsinites feel positive about personal finances. Biden has higher approval rating than Trump, with majority believing Biden was legitimately elected in 2020.

President Biden's Remarks on Economy and Voter Engagement

President Biden touts the 'best economy in the world' during an interview ahead of the White House's Easter egg roll and expresses optimism about voter engagement in the 2024 election despite some negative feedback.

Financial Impact of President Joe Biden's Leadership

A Fox News poll found that a majority of voters feel financially worse off under President Joe Biden, with prices surging and gas prices up by 48% since he took office. Biden's approval rating is at 41%, below the historical threshold for reelection.

Border Crisis Impact on 2024 Election Cycle

The Fox News Poll reveals that a majority of voters believe the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is a major problem or an emergency, with blame placed on Congress and the Biden administration. Concern has increased across different demographics since 2019. President Biden's approval ratings are low, especially on immigration.