Secret Hospitals for Fugitives and Scammers in the Philippines

Authorities in the Philippines uncovered secret hospitals offering plastic surgery for fugitives and scammers seeking to evade arrest. The hospitals are linked to a scam center operated by Chinese nationals. The Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission is investigating these hospitals.

Prison Escape in Brazil

Two fugitives who escaped a maximum-security prison in Brazil were arrested after a 50-day manhunt.

Arrest of Red Army Faction Members

German investigators are working through tips on the whereabouts of two fugitive ex-members of the Red Army Faction after the arrest of Daniela Klette, who was living under a false identity and accused of participating in robberies. The Red Army Faction emerged from German student protests against the Vietnam War and disbanded in 1998. The two remaining fugitives, Ernst-Volker Staub and Burkhard Garweg, have remained elusive.