Impact of Biden administration's economic and climate agendas on a solar company

A bombshell report reveals that a large solar company that donated millions to Democrats benefited significantly from President Biden's policies. Critics argue that this reflects a political payoff to the company's donors while taxpayers foot the bill.

Presidential Debate and Small Business Concerns

The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will cover various topics including foreign policy, the culture war, and Biden's mental fitness. Small businesses are seeking answers on how the candidates plan to restore the economy, with inflation being a top concern. Biden's approach to government spending and regulations are also key points of discussion.

Criticism of Earmarks and Pork Barrel Spending in Government

Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz argues against billions of dollars in spending added by House lawmakers. Government watchdog group releases 'Pig Book' criticizing pork barrel spending. Various lawmakers express concerns over earmarks and national debt. Criticism of specific earmarks, including security upgrades for the MET and funding for broadband expansion. Congress approval rating remains low due to use of earmarks.

Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari's Views on Inflation and Rate Cuts

Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari stated that more positive inflation data is needed before considering rate cuts, citing government spending as a factor contributing to high inflation. He emphasized the resilience of the U.S. economy and the need to take time to make the right decisions.

House Republicans demand accountability on U.S. taxpayer dollars for DEI programs

House Republicans demand accountability on U.S. taxpayer dollars going towards diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. They seek details on funding allocations, positions related to DEI, and potential programs planned for the future. The Biden administration is accused of embedding DEI ideology into various aspects of American society.

Fiscal Deficit Warning from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon urges the U.S. to address its fiscal deficit, warning of potential consequences due to overspending and high deficits. Dimon calls for a focus on reducing the deficit to avoid future economic problems.

Inflation and Government Spending

Breitbart economics editor John Carney claims overspending by the federal government under the Biden administration, not tariffs implemented by Trump, caused inflation. Carney argues that tariffs did not cause inflation during Trump's presidency and blames an over accommodative monetary policy and overspending for the current inflation.

Former President Donald Trump speaking at Libertarian party's national convention

Former President Donald Trump is set to speak at the Libertarian party's national convention, which is seen as a historic move by the party chair Angela McArdle to advance the message of liberty and move the dial in the direction of important issues like ending endless wars and runaway inflation.

Tax Day and Economic Analysis

On Tax Day, Breitbart discusses the impact of taxes, refunds, and government spending. They highlight the potential consequences of tax policies on individuals' finances, criticize Biden's tax plans, and touch on economic trends and geopolitical events.

California's Homelessness Crisis and Government Spending

Former MLB star and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Garvey criticizes California's handling of the homelessness crisis, calling for a federal audit of the state's spending of $24 billion since 2018 with little improvement in the situation.

Jamie Dimon's Annual Letter to JPMorgan Chase Shareholders

Jamie Dimon's annual letter to JPMorgan Chase shareholders highlights concerns about the economy being fueled by government spending, inflation risks, global uncertainty, and deep political divisions. He calls for industrial policy to be targeted, warns about deep political divisions at home, and expresses skepticism about proposed banking rules. Janet Yellen sees progress in China relations but cautions there's more work to do. The industry is ripe for consolidation, but challenges exist. A new white paper suggests that 70% of takeovers now succeed due to companies being smarter about M&A and having more practice.

Recent Fox News Articles

Recent news articles from Fox News covering a variety of topics including political corruption allegations, government spending fights, and celebrity news.

Senate Fails to Pass Government Spending Package, Leading to Partial Government Shutdown

The Senate failed to pass a $1.2T government spending package, leading to a partial government shutdown. Republicans and Democrats couldn't agree on amendments, causing the shutdown. Some government departments will shut down, affecting essential services.