Kansas Governor Laura Kelly vetoes bills on gender-affirming care and abortion reporting

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly vetoed a proposed ban on gender-affirming care for minors, a bill requiring more reporting from abortion providers, and a vague bill on coercing someone into having an abortion, setting up confrontations with the Republican-supermajority Legislature. The state constitution protects abortion rights and a recent vote affirmed that position. Kelly allowed a GOP proposal on verifying adult visitors to pornography websites to become law without her signature. The vetoed bill against gender-affirming care targeted a small group and trampled parental rights. Supporters argued it would protect children from possibly dangerous treatments, but health care groups recommend such care for transgender children.

Perceptions of Joe Biden's Age

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly discussed combating negative perceptions about Joe Biden's age by highlighting the accomplishments of his administration and the team around him during an interview with CNN.