Wyoming Governor signs school choice bill into law with restrictions

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signs a school choice bill into law but vetoes most of the eligibility provisions due to constitutionality concerns, limiting access to education savings accounts (ESAs) to families with lower incomes.

Wyoming bans gender-reassignment procedures for children

Wyoming has passed a law banning gender-reassignment procedures for children, with exceptions for cases of genetic disorders. Governor Mark Gordon signed the law, stating support for protections for children but expressing concerns about government involvement in family affairs. The law prohibits surgeries that sterilize children and the use of puberty-blocking hormones.

Wyoming Governor Signs Bill Outlawing Gender-Reassignment Procedures on Children

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed a bill outlawing gender-reassignment procedures on children and vetoed a bill imposing further restrictions on abortion clinics. The bill prohibits physicians from performing gender-reassignment procedures on children and administering related medications.