Guatemalan journalist's detention and legal battle

Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora's house arrest revoked by appeals court; he has been in prison for two years on charges of money laundering and corruption, which he denies. Press freedom groups have criticized his detention as political persecution.

Release of Guatemalan Journalist Jose Ruben Zamora

Guatemalan journalist Jose Ruben Zamora, founder of El Periodico newspaper, was released from jail after nearly two years on money laundering charges. His conviction was overturned, and a new trial was ordered. Press freedom groups criticized his prosecution as politically motivated.

Migrant Men from Guatemala Convicted of Gang Raping Deaf Woman in New Mexico

Three migrant men from Guatemala pleaded guilty or were convicted of gang raping a deaf woman after kidnapping her in Santa Fe, New Mexico. One of the accused, Josue Donaldo Leon Cartagena, the alleged ring leader, has reportedly fled to Guatemala. The other perpetrators received prison sentences for their crimes.

Earthquake in Mexico and Guatemala Border

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake shook the border of Mexico and Guatemala, causing frightened residents to evacuate into the streets. Fortunately, there were no reports of deaths in the aftermath of the earthquake.

Guatemala forest fires

Guatemala's president declared a natural disaster due to 44 forest fires burning across the country, with 80% of them being started by people. Authorities canceled classes to protect students from smoke, and funding has been freed up for firefighting efforts.

Challenges faced by Guatemalan migrants seeking opportunities in the United States

The article discusses the challenges faced by migrants from Guatemala, particularly youths from the Indigenous Western Highlands, who take deadly risks to reach the United States in search of better opportunities. The story highlights the tragic deaths of migrants in smuggler's trailers and the impact on their families.

Migrant Crisis in Guatemala

Record-high numbers of migrants are illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, with many coming from Guatemala's Indigenous Western Highlands due to lack of opportunities. Families are risking their lives to reach the United States in hopes of a better future, despite facing deadly risks and tragedies along the way.

Illegal Aliens Accused of Kidnapping and Sexual Assault in Florida

Three illegal aliens from Guatemala are accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman in Palm Beach County, Florida.

ICE Arrests Guatemalan Illegal Immigrant Convicted of Assault on Child

ICE arrests illegal immigrant from Guatemala convicted of assault and battery on a child under 14, despite an immigration detainer being filed. This highlights the impact of immigration policy on public safety.