Hunter Biden's missing revolver and gun trial

Hunter Biden's missing revolver was tossed in a dumpster by his sister-in-law behind a grocery store in 2018. The gun was later returned by a man who rummages through the trash for recyclable items. Text messages from Hunter contradict the Secret Service's statement about their involvement in the incident.

Hunter Biden's Drug Use and Business Deals

Hunter Biden's ex, Hallie Biden, revealed details about Hunter's drug use and gun incident during his trial. The Biden family was involved in lucrative business deals with foreign actors, including receiving millions from countries like Ukraine, Russia, and China.

Hunter Biden Gun Trial

Hallie Biden, ex of Hunter Biden, will testify about crack use with Hunter in gun trial. Hunter faces charges related to false statement in firearm purchase and possession of firearm while addicted to drugs. Witnesses include Hallie, Zoe Kestan, and Kathleen Buhle.

President Joe Biden's visit to Hallie Biden before Hunter Biden's gun trial

President Joe Biden visited Hallie Biden before she is expected to testify in Hunter Biden's gun trial. The White House claims the visit was to commemorate Beau Biden's passing, not related to the trial.