Anti-Israel Protests in New York City

Recent anti-Israel protests in New York City and clashes outside a Manhattan exhibit memorializing victims of a festival attack. Fox News reports on the incidents.

Jerry Seinfeld's Visit to Israel After Hamas Attack

Jerry Seinfeld opened up about his profound experience visiting Israel after a Hamas terrorist attack, calling it the most powerful experience of his life.

Rise of Antisemitism in Kentucky

Antisemitism in Kentucky has more than doubled in the past two years, with 47 incidents reported in 2023 compared to 16 in 2022. The rise in antisemitism has been linked to the Israel-Palestine conflict, with protests supporting Palestine leading to antisemitic incidents on college campuses.

UNC Chapel Hill American Flag Incident

UNC Chapel Hill Chancellor Lee H. Roberts returned the American flag to the top of the flag pole after anti-Israel protesters had removed it, leading to a clash between protesters and law enforcement.

Criticism of Anti-Israel Protesters on College Campuses

Sen. John Fetterman criticized anti-Israel protesters on college campuses for living in encampments and called out the rise of antisemitism in the United States following Hamas's attack on Israel.

Antisemitism at Columbia University

Columbia University's president denounces antisemitism during congressional hearing following Hamas attack, facing scrutiny over handling of faculty members making antisemitic comments. President commits to confronting antisemitism on campus directly.

Protests in Jerusalem against Netanyahu's Government

Protests against Benjamin Netanyahu's government erupted in Jerusalem over criticism of the response to a Hamas attack on Israel. Clashes also occurred over the exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service.

US Weapons Assistance to Israel Amid Calls for Limitations

US weapons to Israel have increased since Hamas attack on October 7, leading to calls from Democrats to limit assistance. Biden administration faces pressure to restrict flow of weapons over concerns of excessive Israeli reaction. Progressives push for ceasefire citing civilian casualties. Biden administration abstains from UN vote demanding ceasefire, angering Israeli Prime Minister. US aims to find alternative to full-scale Israeli military operation in Rafah to protect civilians.

Benjamin Netanyahu's Tenure as Israel's Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving prime minister, faced trial for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust during his tenure. He faced criticism for his handling of a Hamas attack and was analyzed by a facial recognition expert post-war, showing signs of trauma.