Public Opinion on Legal Prosecutions of Donald Trump

A Harvard-Harris poll shows that most voters believe Democrats are using the legal system to politically damage former President Donald Trump. The poll also indicates that a majority of voters think Trump's trials in Democratic jurisdictions should be moved to avoid bias.

Harvard-Harris Poll on Views Towards Violence and Israel-Hamas Conflict

A new Harvard-Harris poll shows that a majority of registered voters in the U.S. believe that students and professors who call for violence towards Jews should be suspended. The poll also indicates strong support for Israel over Hamas in the ongoing conflict, with most respondents backing Israel's actions.

Perceptions on Legal Prosecutions of Donald Trump

A Harvard-Harris poll shows that most voters believe Democrats are using the legal system in biased ways to politically damage former President Donald Trump. The majority think the legal prosecutions are politically motivated and should be moved to different jurisdictions to avoid bias.

Harvard-Harris Poll on Suspension for Advocating Violence towards Jews

A Harvard-Harris poll shows that 80% of U.S. registered voters believe students and professors advocating violence towards Jews should be suspended. The poll also reveals support for Israel over Hamas in the ongoing conflict.

American Support for Israel in Gaza Conflict

A Harvard-Harris poll shows strong American support for Israel over Hamas in the Gaza conflict, with 79% backing Israel. The majority of American voters also oppose the Biden administration's policies on the issue.

U.S.-Israel Relations

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims overwhelming U.S. support for Israel to continue the campaign until total victory based on a recent poll.