Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Victory in Election

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed victory in the election, securing a third term despite facing a strong opposition challenge. He is a popular but polarizing leader known for advancing Hindu nationalism and overseeing a fast-growing economy. Critics accuse him of eroding democracy and targeting Muslims with divisive politics.

Indian Elections and Narendra Modi's Hindu Nationalism

India is in the midst of its six-week-long election season, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking a third consecutive term by championing Hindu nationalism.

H-Pop and Hindu Nationalism in India

H-Pop, the music and poetry of Hindu nationalism in India, is being criticized for its violent rhetoric targeting Muslims ahead of Indian elections. Critics warn of its destructive power and its role in inciting violence.

H-Pop and Hindu Nationalism in India

H-Pop is Indian popular music and poetry of Hindu nationalism, criticized for spreading hate and violence against Muslims.