Yemen's Houthi Rebels Detain UN Employees and Aid Workers

Houthis in Yemen have detained United Nations employees and aid workers under unclear circumstances, facing financial pressure and airstrikes. The detentions have sparked international condemnation and calls for immediate release.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's Message to American University Students

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praises American university students protesting Israel, welcomes them to the terrorist Resistance Front, encourages them to become familiar with the Quran. Critics highlight Khamenei's history of human rights abuses and radical policies.

Houthis' Missile Attack in Red Sea

Houthis launch missile in Red Sea, no damage caused; Iran supports Houthis despite Biden's warnings; Houthis demand end to Gaza war; Houthi attacks on shipping decline recently.

Universities Offering Enrollment to Pro-Hamas Students and Repressive Measures by Houthis in Yemen

Universities in Iran and Yemen are offering enrollment to students in America and Europe facing disciplinary action for supporting Hamas. Protests against Israel at US universities have led to arrests and clashes, with some universities considering divesting from Israel. Iran and Yemen are supporting pro-Hamas students, while the Houthis in Yemen have imposed repressive measures on Sanaa University students, including gender segregation.

Iranian Attack on Israel and Regional Tensions

Iranian attack on Israel involved Iran's proxies Hezbollah and the Yemenite Houthis. Israel and Hezbollah are currently in a period of relative quiet after recent attacks. There are concerns about potential escalation and the possibility of reaching a new agreement.

US Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo's admission about funds for Iran

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo admitted that the $6 billion unfrozen for Iran likely went to fund violent activity, despite claims it was for humanitarian needs. This has raised concerns about Iran's support for terrorist proxies in the region.

Iran's Support for Houthis Despite Biden's Warnings

Fox News reports on Iran's support for Houthis despite Biden's warnings, with a senator criticizing the administration's offer to reverse Houthis' terror designation. US Special Envoy aims for diplomatic solution, while Air Force commander notes decrease in Houthi attacks. State Department defends SDGT designation to pressure Houthis, seeking to deter attacks on international shipping.

Russian Warships in Red Sea Amid Houthis' Attacks

Russian warships have passed the Bab al-Mandab Strait into the Red Sea amid attacks by Yemen’s Houthis on merchant shipping. The Houthis belong to the “axis of resistance,” hostile to Israel and the United States.

U.S. and Britain conduct airstrikes in Yemen and blame Chinese hackers for cyberattacks

The U.S. and Britain conduct new airstrikes targeting Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen following attacks in Iraq and Syria. Britain expected to blame cyberattacks on Chinese government hackers targeting U.K.'s election watchdog and lawmakers.

China and Russia Negotiate Safe-Passage Agreements with Houthis in Oman

China and Russia met with a top Houthi official in Oman to negotiate safe-passage agreements for their vessels in the Red Sea. In exchange for safe passage, the two countries promised political support for the Houthis in international bodies like the UN Security Council. The US has expressed concerns about China and Russia supporting the Houthis and receiving safe passage in return.

Houthis Reach Understanding with China, Russia on Ship Safety

The Yemen-based Houthis have reached an understanding with China and Russia to allow their ships to sail through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden without being attacked in exchange for political support in international bodies like the United Nations Security Council. The attacks by the Houthis on ships in the region have caused concerns among world powers.

Yemen's Houthis launch missile towards Israel

Yemen's Houthis claimed responsibility for launching a cruise missile near Eilat, Israel, marking the first such strike on Israeli territory. The Iran-aligned militants have been targeting international shipping in solidarity with Palestinians. American and British navies have conducted strikes against Houthi targets. The conflict involves a civil war in Yemen and ongoing tensions with Saudi Arabia.

Yemen's Houthis Targeting British Ships

Yemen's Houthis vow to continue targeting British ships in the Gulf of Aden after sinking UK-owned vessel Rubymar. US military confirms the sinking after an anti-ship ballistic missile strike by Houthi militants on Feb. 18. Houthi deputy foreign minister threatens more British ships will be sunk.

Yemeni terrorist organization Ansarallah's attacks on global shipping

The leader of the Yemeni terrorist organization Ansarallah threatened "surprises" for American and allied forces trying to contain their disruptions of global shipping. They declared war on Israel and have been attacking commercial ships, including American and British vessels. The attacks have continued despite military actions by the U.S. and U.K. The leader boasted about their attacks and promised more surprises for their enemies.

U.S. Strikes on Houthi Targets in the Gulf of Aden

U.S. Central Command conducted strikes on Houthi targets in response to attacks on merchant vessels in the Gulf of Aden. The attacks were aimed at protecting freedom of navigation and securing international waters for U.S. Navy and merchant vessels.

US Struggles to Stop Houthi Attacks in the Red Sea

The Biden administration is struggling to stop ongoing attacks by Iran-backed Houthis against ships in the Red Sea. The US has carried out strikes on the group but faces challenges in deterring them. The US strategy involves targeting Houthi weaponry pre-emptively, but there are concerns about the effectiveness of these efforts.

Pentagon Deputy Spokesperson on Houthis' Attacks in the Red Sea

Pentagon Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh stated that the decision to stop strikes by Houthis in the Red Sea region is ultimately up to the Houthis themselves, despite continued attacks on commercial targets.