Girls' Education Ban in Afghanistan by Taliban

Girls in Afghanistan have been banned from attending secondary schools for over a thousand days, with more than 1 million girls affected. The Taliban's strict interpretation of Islamic law has led to harsh measures against women and girls, including barring them from education and most jobs.

Flooding in Kenya

Heavy rains in Kenya have led to dozens of deaths and the displacement of tens of thousands of people. Human Rights Watch criticizes the Kenyan government for its inadequate response to ongoing floods.

Russian Government's Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses

Vladimir Putin extends his hold on power in Russia with 87% of the vote, while more Jehovah's Witnesses are convicted and sentenced to prison. Human Rights Watch criticizes Russian courts for issuing monstrous prison sentences against the Witnesses for exercising their right to worship.

Health risks in Louisiana's Cancer Alley due to industrial pollution

Residents living along an 85-mile stretch of road in Louisiana, known as 'Cancer Alley,' face seven times the national average cancer risk, chronic health conditions, and other serious health issues due to the high concentration of fossil fuel and petrochemical operations in the area. The Human Rights Watch report highlights the failure of state and federal regulators to monitor and address the dangers posed by industrial pollution, leading to devastating health effects on the local population.