Chinese-made Humanoid Robots

Chinese-made humanoid robots with advanced capabilities are poised to enter the global market, sparking concerns among US lawmakers about potential security risks and espionage. The robots can replicate human facial expressions, run at high speeds, and perform various tasks. Some experts dismiss the concerns as overblown distractions from more significant issues.

EX Robots' Hyper-Realistic Humanoid Robots

EX Robots is a Chinese startup specializing in crafting hyper-realistic humanoid robots for various industries and public service duties. They have made significant advancements in robotics technology and are at the forefront of innovation in artificial intelligence and humanoid robotics.

Development of Humanoid Robots in Beijing

Humanoid robots with AI technology are being developed at a robotics center in Beijing to be brought into homes soon, aiming to supplement China's labor force and boost economic growth in the tech war with the US.