Medics in Gaza increasing screening for severe malnutrition among children

Medics in Gaza are increasing screening for severe malnutrition among young children amid fears of hunger spreading as people flee to new areas.

Famine Risk in Gaza, Haiti, and Sudan

NPR's Ayesha Rascoe discusses the risk of famine in Gaza, Haiti, and Sudan due to conflict-induced hunger with Paul Howe of Tufts University.

Widespread Hunger and Malnutrition in Gaza

A report shows widespread hunger and malnutrition in Gaza, with a dire warning of imminent famine. Experts use a five-phase scale to categorize hunger levels, with the highest phase indicating famine. Urgent steps are needed to prevent a rise in death rates by May.

Violent Gang Uprising in Haiti

Violent gang uprising in Haiti has forced hundreds of thousands from their homes, with millions facing hunger and Cholera outbreaks due to the crisis. WHO warns of dire consequences if the situation worsens.

Catastrophic Hunger in Gaza and Haiti

Catastrophic hunger is imminent in northern Gaza and approaching in Haiti, with hundreds of thousands of people struggling to avoid starvation. International food security experts and aid groups are warning about the dire situation caused by ongoing conflicts and gang violence.

Crisis in Haiti and Impact on the Dominican Republic

The crisis in Haiti has led to increased tensions between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, with Haitians rushing to buy food at a border market in Dajabón due to extreme hunger. The Dominican Republic has increased border patrols and is building a wall in response to the crisis.

Soup Kitchen in Northern Gaza

NPR's Ayesha Rascoe discusses a soup kitchen in northern Gaza with Hani Almadhoun, director of philanthropy at UNRWA USA, to address widespread hunger.

Child Malnutrition Crisis in Palestine

Medical staff at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya report unprecedented numbers of Palestinian children suffering from malnutrition, hunger, and dehydration.

Hunger Crisis in Jabalia Refugee Camp, Gaza

Residents in the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza are facing extreme hunger due to food shortages and the aftermath of the war, leading to desperate measures like slaughtering horses for food.

Food Insecurity in Gaza

A man recalls a visit to his wife's distant aunt in Cairo to eat a Palestinian dish, maftoul, and reflects on the hunger and food insecurity in Gaza where his family is from. He shares stories of survival during the Israeli bombardment and the struggles faced by his family and friends back home.