Donald Trump's Criminal Trial and Potential Sentencing

The judge overseeing Donald Trump's criminal trial warned him about the possibility of jail time if found guilty in the 'hush money' case. Sentencing could include prison time, probation, or house arrest, with uncertainties about the outcome due to the unique dynamics of the case.

Hope Hicks Testifies in Donald Trump Hush Money Case

Hope Hicks, former confidante of Donald Trump, gave emotional testimony at Manhattan Criminal Court in a hush money case. She spoke warmly of Trump but admitted they had not spoken in two years. Hicks provided insider insights that could potentially incriminate Trump.

President Biden's visit to a war memorial in Scranton, PA and his response to questions about his popularity in the state

President Biden responds to questions about his popularity in Pennsylvania and his relationship with former President Trump. Trump faces a criminal trial in Manhattan related to hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. Polls show a close race between Trump and Biden in Pennsylvania.

Analysis of the New York hush money case against former President Trump

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig criticizes the New York hush money case against former President Trump as mediocre and unlikely to result in a conviction. The case revolves around improper reimbursement to Michael Cohen for a payoff to Stormy Daniels. The trial is taking place in Manhattan and Honig believes the odds of Trump getting convicted are 60-75%.

Former President Trump's Hush Money Case and Stormy Daniels

Former President Trump's legal team attempts to serve Stormy Daniels with a subpoena related to the hush money case, but she refuses to accept it. Daniels is expected to be a key witness in the trial where Trump faces over 34 counts of falsifying business records. The trial marks the first time a former president will stand trial over criminal charges.

Trump's Criticism of Judge Merchan in Hush Money Case

Former President Donald Trump criticized Judge Juan Merchan for potentially not allowing him to attend his son Barron's graduation due to a hush money case. Trump accused the judge of being biased and unfair, claiming the case is a political attack orchestrated by the White House.

Former President Donald Trump's Criticism of New York Prosecutors and Legal Troubles

Former President Donald Trump criticized New York prosecutors and the criminal hush money case brought against him at a rally in Pennsylvania. He faces multiple criminal prosecutions while running for office. The trial will limit his availability for campaigning. Trump also commented on Israel's conflict with Iran and criticized President Joe Biden. The article discusses the upcoming trial, Trump's campaign activities, and his stance on various political issues.

Jury Selection for Donald Trump's Hush Money Case

Jury selection for former President Donald Trump's hush money case presents unique challenges due to his polarizing nature. The process involves questioning potential jurors to ensure impartiality and fairness.

Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign Facing First Criminal Trial

Donald Trump's presidential campaign is facing the challenge of fighting a general election while also dealing with his first criminal trial for a hush money case. The campaign is preparing for a trial expected to last six weeks, which will require Trump to be in court multiple days a week, potentially impacting campaign events and messaging. There is uncertainty about how this unprecedented situation will play out, with questions about Trump's ability to campaign, donor support, and voter perception.

Legal Battle of Former President Trump in New York Court

Former President Trump is facing a criminal trial in New York, with the judge showing impatience towards his legal team's delay tactics. The judge has refused to postpone the trial and issued a gag order against Trump for his public statements. Trump's lawyers are running out of options to delay the trial, which is set to begin on April 15.

Former President Trump's Criminal Trial in New York

Former President Trump is facing a criminal trial in New York, with the judge showing impatience towards his legal tactics to delay the trial. Despite efforts by Trump's lawyers, the trial is set to begin on April 15, with the judge refusing major delays and dismissing claims of discovery violations. Trump's legal team has sought to postpone the trial until after the 2024 presidential election, but the judge has been firm in his rulings.

Former President Trump's hush money case

A New York judge ordered the names of jury members in former President Trump's hush money case to be kept secret as jury selection begins. Trump faces charges of falsifying business records related to hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. The judge cited concerns of bribery, jury tampering, and physical harm as reasons for the protective order.