Antisemitic remarks by Florida Imam

Florida Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi calls for the murder of Jews and describes the Israeli regime as 'worse than the Nazis.'

Mosques in New York City providing shelter and meals for migrants during Ramadan

Mosques in New York City are struggling to house and feed migrants during Ramadan. An imam in the Bronx turned his mosque into a makeshift shelter for migrants, many from African countries. The city's mosques are facing challenges meeting the needs of the increasing number of asylum seekers, particularly during this holy month.

Imam's Quran Verse Recitation at Belgian Parliament

An imam at the Belgian parliament recited a Quran verse calling for killing and capturing Jews, sparking outrage and condemnation from politicians and officials. The event was organized by a member of parliament and vice president of the Francophone Parliament in Brussels. The incident has raised concerns about increased antisemitism and fear among the Jewish community in Belgium.