Nancy Pelosi's Critique of the Republican Party under Donald Trump's Influence

Nancy Pelosi criticizes the Republican Party for becoming a 'cult to a thug' under Donald Trump's influence, calling for intervention from his family and the GOP. She expresses concern for insecure voters who support Trump's rhetoric and emphasizes the importance of not whitewashing the events of January 6th.

Karl Rove criticizes Trump's stance on Capitol attackers

Former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove criticized Donald Trump for considering pardoning individuals involved in the January 6th Capitol attack, calling them 'thugs' who should be tried and sent to jail. Rove emphasized the importance of upholding law and order in the face of the violent assault on the Capitol.

Criticism of Former President Trump's Delay Tactics

Former Rep. Liz Cheney spoke at Drake University, criticizing former President Trump's delay tactics in the federal January 6th and election interference trial, emphasizing the importance of accountability and the rule of law.

Criticism of Donald Trump and Republican silence

MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill expresses disbelief over the election of former President Donald Trump and criticizes Republicans for not speaking out against him after the events of January 6th.

Senator Lisa Murkowski's stance on Donald Trump and the GOP

Senator Lisa Murkowski is considering leaving the GOP due to her opposition to Donald Trump and the party's alignment with him. She has expressed strong disapproval of Trump's actions and rhetoric, and is exploring the possibility of becoming an independent.