Close Polling Between Trump and Biden Campaigns

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski questions Vice President Kamala Harris on close polling between Trump and Biden campaigns despite pro-democracy messaging from Harris. Harris highlights the contrast between the two candidates.

2024 U.S. Presidential Election Predictions

Vice President Kamala Harris expressed confidence in winning the November election on MSNBC's Morning Joe show. She emphasized the importance of the election and the need to critically examine all issues. Harris remained optimistic despite acknowledging the challenges ahead.

Caption Error in Video of Vice President Kamala Harris Meeting with 'Queer Eye' Cast

Vice President Kamala Harris met with the cast of 'Queer Eye' at the White House, where the video captions incorrectly referred to her as 'Madam President' instead of 'Madam Vice President.'

Vice President Kamala Harris meets Queer Eye cast at the White House

Vice President Kamala Harris celebrated the cast of Netflix’s Queer Eye at the White House amid falling poll numbers. Despite the positive interaction, Harris faces doubts about her ability to win the presidency.

2024 Elections - Vice President Kamala Harris

The article discusses skepticism about Vice President Kamala Harris' ability to win the presidency and lead the Democratic Party, despite some positive numbers on key issues. Harris faces doubts about her future role within the party from Democrats and independents alike.

Vice President Kamala Harris expresses condolences for lives lost in Gaza during Israeli rescue mission

Vice President Kamala Harris expressed mourning for innocent lives lost among Palestinians during an Israeli rescue mission in Gaza. There is conflicting information on the number of casualties and whether they were civilians or terrorists. Harris was heckled by a pro-Palestinian protester during her speech in Michigan.

Rising Antisemitism in New York City

Rising antisemitism in New York City highlighted as hate crimes surge, NYC public school students walk out in protest, and Maldives bans Israelis from entering. Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Vice President Kamala Harris' appearance on Jimmy Kimmel's show.

Protesters disrupt Vice President Kamala Harris' appearance on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'

Protesters disrupt Vice President Kamala Harris' appearance on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' with accusations of supporting genocide and being a war criminal.

Biden and Harris's Efforts to Bridge Enthusiasm Gap with Black Voters

Kamala Harris shines at a Black outreach event in Philadelphia, boosting enthusiasm for the Biden administration among Black voters. Her performance highlights accomplishments benefiting the Black community and her potential impact on key issues like abortion rights.

President Joe Biden's Press Conference with Kenyan President William Ruto

President Joe Biden appeared to struggle during a press conference with Kenyan President William Ruto, raising concerns about his fitness for office. Biden made several gaffes, including calling Vice President Kamala Harris the president and misstating the African population. Polling shows that Americans question Biden's ability to lead.

Vice President Kamala Harris mocked for 'word salads' on 'The Daily Show'

Vice President Kamala Harris was mocked on 'The Daily Show' for her habit of using 'word salads' in speeches, with a skit introducing her 'holistic thought advisor.'

Vice President Kamala Harris's speech at the APAICS Legislative Leadership Summit

Vice President Kamala Harris used strong language to encourage breaking down barriers and seizing opportunities during an event in Washington, DC.

Vice President Kamala Harris criticizes Supreme Court on abortion rights

Vice President Kamala Harris visits Planned Parenthood facility in Minnesota and criticizes Supreme Court's conservative justices for threatening fundamental freedoms, especially regarding abortion rights.

Criticism of Drew Barrymore's Comments on Vice President Kamala Harris

New York Times columnist Charles Blow criticized talk show host Drew Barrymore for referring to Vice President Kamala Harris as 'Momala,' arguing that it perpetuates harmful stereotypes of Black women. Blow emphasized the importance of Harris being seen as a political figure rather than a caretaker. Harris highlighted the significance of embracing one's individuality and not conforming to societal expectations during the interview.

Drew Barrymore's comment about Kamala Harris

Actress Drew Barrymore referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as 'Momala' of the country during a talk show segment, which sparked mockery and confusion on social media.

Vice President Kamala Harris on Voting Rights, Abortion, and Women's Equality

Vice President Kamala Harris talks about voting rights, abortion, and women's equality during interviews with 60 Minutes and Drew Barrymore. She calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and emphasizes the importance of fighting for freedom and equality in America.

Kamala Harris's Recent Campaign Activities

Vice President Kamala Harris is energized and engaged, focusing on key issues such as abortion bans and gun control, while different opinions exist about her among voters and campaign staff.

Abortion Rights and Government Intervention

Vice President Kamala Harris believes that government should not dictate women's decisions on abortion and that most people agree with this sentiment, regardless of their personal beliefs or faith. She emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding in the abortion debate.

Vice President Kamala Harris Campaigning in Wisconsin

Vice President Kamala Harris plans to visit Wisconsin for the third time this year, focusing on abortion rights, economy, and health care. Wisconsin is a key battleground state in the upcoming election.

Vice President Kamala Harris advocating for abortion rights in Nevada

Vice President Kamala Harris is advocating for a proposed ballot measure in Nevada to create a state constitutional right to abortion, in light of potential future restrictions from state lawmakers. The measure aims to expand reproductive freedom and protect against extreme abortion bans.

Abortion Rights and Political Campaigning

Vice President Kamala Harris blames former President Donald Trump for Arizona Supreme Court ruling banning almost all abortions, calling it an inflection point in the fight over abortion rights. Harris is on a reproductive rights tour, arguing that abortion rights are at stake in the upcoming election. Democrats are seizing on abortion as a key political issue ahead of November, tying the bans directly to Trump.

Abortion laws in Arizona and Vice President Kamala Harris' criticism of former President Trump

Vice President Kamala Harris criticizes former President Trump's stance on abortion, blaming him for laws banning abortion in Arizona. She warns of further bans and less freedom in a possible second Trump term.

Abortion Rights in Arizona

Vice President Kamala Harris is heading to Arizona to promote reproductive freedom following a historic ruling upholding an 1864 law that bars nearly all abortions. The Arizona Supreme Court affirmed the law, which carries a 2-5 year sentence for abortionists. Pro-abortion activists in Arizona are moving forward with a proposed amendment to create a constitutional right to abortion.

2024 Election Concerns

Vice President Kamala Harris expressed concerns about the 2024 election possibly being the last democratic one in America due to Trump's behavior and rhetoric.

Women's College Basketball Brackets

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris wrongly claimed that women's college basketball just began using brackets in 2022, when in fact brackets have been used for quite some time. She later clarified that she meant the use of the 'March Madness' copyright was made available to the women's tournament in 2023.

Political Controversy Over Easter Celebrations

Far leftists celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility and César Chávez Day on Easter Sunday, drawing criticism for not focusing on Easter. Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi's social media posts highlighted these celebrations, leading to accusations of devaluing Easter.

Vice President Kamala Harris visit to Puerto Rico

Vice President Kamala Harris had an embarrassing moment during a visit to Puerto Rico where she was spotted clapping along to a protest song against her before an aide translated the lyrics. The visit marked her first trip to the Caribbean island since taking office.

Possible Consequences for Israel in Attacking Hamas in Rafah

Vice President Kamala Harris suggested possible consequences for Israel if it attacks Hamas in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, despite warnings from President Joe Biden due to civilian presence. Israel plans to enter Rafah, with or without U.S. support.

Biden Administration's Stance on TikTok

Vice President Kamala Harris stated that the Biden administration does not intend to ban TikTok despite national security concerns over the app's owner. The administration acknowledges the importance of TikTok as an income generator and a platform for free discourse.

Vice President Kamala Harris's Visit to Puerto Rico

Vice President Kamala Harris stopped clapping during a Puerto Rican protest song once an aide translated what the singers were saying about Palestine and Haiti. She visited Puerto Rico to tout federal aid and attended a Democratic fundraiser.

Gun Control and Red Flag Laws

Vice President Kamala Harris announced $750 million for red flag laws at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school, site of a 2018 tragedy. She urged states to pass red flag laws to prevent future tragedies.

Kamala Harris Visiting Planned Parenthood Clinic in Minnesota for Abortion Rights Advocacy

Vice President Kamala Harris is set to visit a Planned Parenthood clinic in Minnesota to advocate for abortion rights, becoming the first vice president to do so. The visit comes amidst a wave of conservative states enacting abortion restrictions, making Minnesota a haven for abortion seekers.

Debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's Running Mate

Vice President Kamala Harris avoids committing to debating former President Donald Trump's potential running mate. The question of a vice-presidential debate remains unanswered. Harris also declines to confirm if President Biden will debate Trump before the 2024 election.

Impact of Young Voters in the 2024 Election in North Carolina

Young voters in North Carolina play a significant role in the 2024 election as they have high turnout and are focused on issues rather than party affiliation. Former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley are key figures in the Republican primary, while Vice President Kamala Harris struggles to excite young Democratic voters.

Michelle Obama not running for President in 2024

Michelle Obama has once again confirmed she is not interested in running for president in 2024, supporting President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris instead.

Vice President Kamala Harris' Speech on Israel and Hamas Cease-fire

Vice President Kamala Harris called for a six-week cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, but her original speech was toned down by the National Security Council. Her comments stressed the need for more aid to Gaza, while also supporting the release of hostages.

Vice President Kamala Harris meeting with Israeli official and push for cease-fire

Vice President Kamala Harris pushes for a cease-fire in meeting with Israeli official at the White House. NBC News reports on a mother's terrible loss.

Vice President Kamala Harris's Remarks on Gaza Ceasefire

Vice President Kamala Harris clarified her remarks on an 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza, explaining that she was actually calling for a proposed six-week truce as part of a deal to release Israeli hostages. The statement was seen as a 'head fake' to appeal to President Biden's left-wing base.

Vice President Kamala Harris calls for ceasefire in Gaza

Vice President Kamala Harris called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, which would last six weeks and include a deal for Hamas to release hostages. Her statement was seen as a break from President Joe Biden, but it essentially reiterated his position. The UK Daily Mail reported on her remarks without providing important context.

President Biden's Visit to Southern Border and Vice President Kamala Harris' Role

President Biden visited the southern border in Texas without Vice President Kamala Harris, who was tasked with leading the diplomatic outreach to tackle the 'root causes' of migration. Harris' role appears to have shrunk amidst a historic year for illegal immigration.

Concerns about Kamala Harris' Praise of Poll Worker

Vice President Kamala Harris faces backlash for praising a poll worker who is actually a liberal advocate, causing concerns about Biden's re-election chances.

Vice President Kamala Harris' Motorcade Accident

Vice President Kamala Harris' vehicle became momentarily airborne after hitting a high curb during a motorcade accident in 2022. The driver was granted a waiver from defensive driving training. The incident was initially misreported as a mechanical failure.

Challenges Facing Kamala Harris and the Biden Administration

Kamala Harris faces challenges with stalled security package for Ukraine, criticism from Republicans, and low approval ratings. Biden's age and Harris' unfavorability pose concerns for potential reelection. Harris focuses on campaign strategy, abortion rights, and foreign policy to appeal to diverse voter groups.

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Panel Discussion

A Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) panel moderated by Matthew Boyle discussed possible Democrat alternatives to Biden, with panel members expressing gratitude for Andrew Breitbart and his legacy.

Kamala Harris's Efforts to Improve the Biden Reelection Campaign

Vice President Kamala Harris has been actively gathering information and engaging in deep conversations with top Democrats to improve the Biden reelection campaign. She is pushing for changes in strategy and tactics to enhance the ticket's chances of winning in 2024.