Importance of Democracy in Political Discourse

Bill Maher argues that voters who prioritize cost of living over democracy need to be more concerned about the latter. Kellyanne Conway questions why the discussion is focused on whether Trump would leave office if reelected in 2024. Maher insists that democracy is important and people do care about it.

Bill Maher criticizes Kellyanne Conway's whataboutism on election concessions

Bill Maher criticizes Kellyanne Conway's whataboutism regarding Democrats not conceding elections, emphasizing the importance of conceding defeat for the stability of democracy.

Lobbying Against TikTok Ban

Former Trump aide Kellyanne Conway is lobbying Congress against banning TikTok, arguing that alienating 170 million U.S. users is ill-advised. Trump allies, including Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, have shown support for TikTok. Opposition to a TikTok ban comes as Congress moves closer to passing a bill forcing a sale of the app due to concerns about Chinese influence.

Kellyanne Conway Advocating for TikTok in Congress

Kellyanne Conway, former Trump adviser, is working for the Club for Growth to advocate for TikTok in Congress amid opposition. The app faces potential sale or ban due to its ties to China. Conway has had 10 meetings with lawmakers and is pushing back against the ban, highlighting the app's user base and political implications.