2024 NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National Poll: Biden vs. Trump, Candidate Support, Voter Behavior, and Key Issues

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are closely matched in the November presidential election, with Trump gaining ground among definite voters. Trump leads in a multi-candidate field against Biden, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein impacting the results. Trump edges Biden among independent voters and in the multi-candidate field. Most registered voters plan to vote, but some may skip the presidential line. Support for both candidates is influenced by various factors, including the outcome of Trump's 'hush money' trial. Republicans overwhelmingly back Trump as the Republican nominee. Both Biden and Trump have similar favorability ratings. Biden's job approval remains steady. Voters are firm in their candidate choice, with many closely following the election. Opinions are divided on U.S. support for Israel and climate change priorities.

2024 Presidential Election Poll

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are in a close race for the 2024 election according to a Quinnipiac University poll. There are concerns about third-party candidates affecting the outcome, and voters have varying opinions on key issues such as the economy, democracy, and immigration.

2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

A recent Monmouth University Poll indicates that voters are evenly split between supporting President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in a potential 2020 election rematch. Most voters are not enthusiastic about the prospect of a rematch. Key issues for Republicans include immigration and inflation, while abortion is crucial for Democrats. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has some support but faces challenges. Inflation and economic growth are seen as the most important issues for voters in the upcoming election.

President Joe Biden's Approval Ratings on Key Issues

President Joe Biden's approval ratings are dismal, with 59% disapproving of his job performance overall and 70% of independents disapproving. The survey covers key issues like jobs, economy, immigration, education, healthcare, civil rights, civil liberties, crime, and inflation, where Biden receives mostly negative ratings. Former President Trump criticizes Biden's handling of the border issue, calling it a 'bloodbath.'

Discussion on the 2024 Presidential Election

Fox News contributor Tulsi Gabbard discusses the 'clear choice' in the 2024 presidential election between Biden and Trump, highlighting failures of the Biden-Harris administration. Gabbard emphasizes the contrast between Trump and Biden on key issues like the economy and the border.

President Joe Biden's Job Approval Rating and Key Issues

President Joe Biden's approval rating has dropped to 38%, with subpar ratings on key issues like immigration, the Middle East, foreign affairs, the economy, and the situation in Ukraine. Approval among Democrats is higher, but approval among independents and Republicans remains low. Biden faces challenges in winning a second term based on historical trends.