North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Gifts Dogs to Russian President Vladimir Putin

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gifted Russian President Vladimir Putin a pair of Pungsan dogs during their meeting. They bonded over animals and took turns driving each other around in a Russian-built limousine. The two have shared previous animal-related gestures in the past.

Mutual Defense Agreement between Russia and North Korea

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a mutual defense agreement in Pyongyang, described as a 'truly breakthrough agreement' by Putin.

Russian-North Korean Partnership Agreement

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a new partnership agreement pledging mutual aid in case of aggression, strengthening security, trade, and cultural ties between the countries. The summit came amidst escalating standoffs with the West.

Russian-North Korean Pact for Mutual Defense

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a pact for mutual defense if either is attacked. This agreement could lead to arms trade and anti-U.S. coalition building, raising concerns in the West. The pact could also provide North Korea with access to oil and resources, undermining sanctions.

Russia-North Korea Treaty

Russia and North Korea signed a new treaty for mutual defense assistance, formalizing their military and diplomatic cooperation. The treaty includes mutual assistance in case of aggression against one of the signatories. The pact is defensive in nature and sets large-scale tasks for deepening relations. The US and its allies are concerned about the growing military partnership.

Russia-North Korea Partnership Agreement

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a new partnership agreement that includes a vow of mutual aid if either country is attacked, strengthening ties and cooperation between the two nations.

Vladimir Putin's Visit to North Korea

Vladimir Putin visited North Korea to strengthen ties with Kim Jong Un, signing a pact for mutual defense and military cooperation. The deal raises concerns about the transfer of military technology to North Korea and its nuclear capabilities. The visit is seen as a way to challenge the United States and its allies.

Russian President Putin's Visit to North Korea

Russian President Vladimir Putin makes a two-day state visit to North Korea to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, exploring potential cooperation between the two countries.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's Visit to North Korea

Russian President Vladimir Putin visits North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang for the first time in 24 years, potentially leading to the signing of a strategic partnership treaty between the two countries.

North Korea-Russia Relations

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has expressed solidarity with Russia, praising their strategic relationship and hinting at President Putin's impending visit to North Korea. The two countries have been strengthening diplomatic and security ties in recent months.

North Korea conducts missile drills under Kim Jong Un's supervision

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised drills involving the firing of nuclear-capable multiple rocket launchers to show the country's ability to carry out a preemptive attack on rival South Korea.

North Korea Rocket Launcher Firing Drill

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guided a firing drill of multiple rocket launchers from an unidentified location.

North Korea missile launches and tensions on the Korean Peninsula

North Korea fires suspected ballistic missiles towards eastern sea, tensions escalate on Korean Peninsula, international condemnation follows failed satellite launch, Kim Jong Un urges continued development of space-based reconnaissance capabilities

North Korea's Balloon Provocations and Satellite Launch Failure

North Korea flew hundreds of balloons carrying trash and manure towards South Korea in response to anti-Pyongyang propaganda leaflets. Kim Jong Un urged military scientists to continue developing space-based reconnaissance capabilities. The failed satellite launch drew criticism from South Korea, Japan, and the US.

North Korea's Trash-Carrying Balloon Provocation

North Korea flew hundreds of balloons carrying trash towards South Korea as a bizarre provocation, prompting a military response. The campaign coincided with Kim Jong Un's call to develop space-based reconnaissance capabilities to counter U.S. and South Korean activities.

North Korea's Display of Kim Jong Un's Portrait

North Korea displays Kim Jong Un's portrait alongside those of his father and grandfather for the first time, potentially elevating his status in the country. This move is seen as a symbolic step to signal hereditary continuity and strengthen Kim's personality cult.

North Korea

Portraits of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have been displayed next to those of his father and grandfather on state-run television.

North Korea Missile Launches

North Korea fired suspected short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast, following joint military drills by South Korea and the United States. North Korea is enhancing its weapons arsenal amidst diplomatic dormancy with the U.S. and South Korea.

North Korea's new multiple rocket launch system test

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised another test firing of a new multiple rocket launch system as part of the country's move to bolster its weapons targeting South Korean population centers.

Kim Jong Un visits casket of veteran propaganda chief

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited the casket of veteran propaganda chief Kim Ki Nam at a funeral hall in Pyongyang.

Governor Kristi Noem's Alleged Meeting with Kim Jong Un

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota stated that the alleged meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was removed from her book because his name should not have been included, not because the meeting was untrue.

Kim Jong Un Loyalty Oaths on 40th Birthday

North Koreans were asked to take loyalty oaths on Kim Jong Un's 40th birthday for the first time since he took power in 2011. This move signals a shift towards political assertiveness and solidifying his rule.

Governor Kristi Noem's Book Controversy

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's new book accuses Nikki Haley of threatening her and falsely claims she met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Both allegations are being questioned for their validity.

North Korea's Military Threats

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vows to mobilize an overwhelming assault on any hypothetical enemy, rejecting President Biden's calls for cooperation. Tensions escalate as North Korea adopts an aggressive stance towards neighboring countries.

North Korea's military preparedness under Kim Jong Un

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warns of unstable geopolitical situations and urges preparation for war.

North Korea Test-fires Suspected Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile

North Korea test-fired a suspected intermediate-range ballistic missile towards waters off its eastern coast, raising tensions in the region. The missile flew about 372 miles before landing in the sea between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Japan's Defense Ministry provided more details on the missile's trajectory. Tensions have been escalating in the region since 2022 due to North Korea's increased missile testing amid distractions like Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Kim Jong Un has been focusing on developing advanced weapons, including hypersonic missiles and reconnaissance satellites.

North Korea's military activities and diplomatic relations with Japan

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised a tank exercise and encouraged war preparations amidst growing tensions with South Korea. He also received an offer for a summit with the Japanese Prime Minister, which could potentially impact regional relations. The situation remains tense with concerns of escalating military activities.

North Korea's live-fire drill of nuclear-capable rockets

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised a live-fire drill of nuclear-capable rockets targeting South Korea's capital to strengthen his war deterrent amid regional tensions. The drill included multiple rocket launchers capable of delivering tactical nuclear warheads.

North Korea's live-fire drill of nuclear-capable rocket launchers

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervises live-fire drill of nuclear-capable rocket launchers targeting South Korea's capital.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un uses Russian luxury limousine gifted by Putin

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un used a Russian luxury limousine gifted by President Vladimir Putin, violating a UN resolution. Kim's sister praised the car and highlighted the deepening ties between North Korea and Russia.

North Korean military training exercises

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un operated a newly developed battle tank and conducted training exercises near the border with South Korea. The drills involved heavy tanks moving through simulated combat circumstances and firing live rounds.

North Korean military demonstration with new battle tank

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guided a military demonstration involving a new battle tank in a show of force as South Korea and the United States wrapped up joint drills. Kim expressed satisfaction with the tank's performance and the 105th Tank Division was declared the winner of the mock battle.

North Korea's Military Activities

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guided an artillery firing drill by the Korean People’s Army, aimed at increasing combat readiness and war capability, with multiple rocket launcher shells and self-propelled artillery shells fired toward the Yellow Sea. South Korea is monitoring the situation and warning of consequences.

Tensions between North and South Korea

South Korea's Air Force conducted military drills in response to North Korea's artillery firing drill led by Kim Jong Un.

North Korea military drills

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un calls for greater war fighting capabilities against the United States and South Korea in response to ongoing military drills, leading to heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

Kim Jong Un's Threat of War with South Korea

Kim Jong Un of North Korea is intensifying nuclear threats and tests, suggesting a possible attack on South Korea. Experts debate the seriousness of the situation, with some believing war is imminent while others think it's a tactic for negotiation and regime stability.