Activision Blizzard's LGBT-themed weapon skins in Call of Duty

Activision Blizzard faced criticism for introducing LGBT-themed weapon skins in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III and Warzone, featuring transgender pride flag-colored ammunition. Critics expressed concerns due to recent transgender-perpetrated mass shootings in the US.

Pope Francis and LGBT Community

Pope Francis reportedly used a derogatory term towards the LGBT community during a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops, stating that gay people should not be allowed to become priests.

Iraq's Law Criminalizing Same-Sex Relationships

Iraq's parliament passed a law criminalizing same-sex relationships with a maximum 15-year prison sentence, condemned by rights advocates and the U.S. State Department as a threat to human rights and freedoms.

Controversy over President Biden Recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday

President Biden recognized Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday, sparking backlash from conservatives who criticized the decision as an attack on Christianity.

Controversy over Fairfax County's designation of Easter Sunday 2024 as 'Transgender Visibility Day'

Fairfax County, Virginia has designated Easter Sunday 2024 as 'Transgender Visibility Day,' sparking controversy among Christians who view it as a hijack of their sacred holiday. The Fairfax County School Board has added this day to its existing LGBT Pride Month and LGBT History Month designations, extending the celebration to 62 days in schools.

Controversy in Dead By Daylight Over New Character and Transphobia Allegations

Controversy surrounds the addition of a new character in Dead By Daylight due to allegations of transphobia from the character's transgender voice actor. The voice actor claims he was 'tricked' into voicing a character that perpetuates harmful trans stereotypes.

Russia adds 'LGBT movement' to list of extremist organizations

Russia has added the 'LGBT movement' to a list of extremist and terrorist organizations, in line with a ruling by the Supreme Court. LGBT activists fear arrests and prosecutions. Russia has tightened restrictions on sexual orientation and gender identity under President Putin.

Russia Adds 'LGBT Movement' to List of Extremist Organizations

Russia has added the 'LGBT movement' to a list of extremist and terrorist organizations, leading to fears of arrests and prosecutions for LGBTQ activists. This move is in line with a ruling by Russia's Supreme Court last November.

Arrest of Bar Workers in Russia for LGBT Promotion

Two bar workers in Russia were arrested for promoting non-traditional sexual relations among visitors, facing up to 10 years in prison under a law passed last year. The crackdown on the LGBT community in Russia has drawn concern and condemnation from rights groups and the international community.

Conservative Christian Family Moves to Russia to Escape LGBT Ideology

A conservative Christian family from Canada moved to Russia to escape LGBT ideology but faced challenges when their bank accounts were frozen and they struggled with the language barrier. Despite initial difficulties, they decided to stay in Russia for the long haul.

Conservative Christian Family Moves to Russia to Escape LGBT Ideology

A conservative Christian family moved to Russia to escape LGBT ideology but faced challenges when their bank accounts were frozen and language barriers prevented them from resolving the issue. Despite initial struggles, they have decided to stay in Russia for the long term.